󠀡󠀡 55 minutes ago 
But the west does not care what happens to the Ukrainian people, the racist Anglo-Saxon mindset considers them to be an inferior people. They are expendable at best and privileged to be uplifting by western ideals.
󠀡󠀡 1 hour ago 
The war has pretty much devolved into a war of attrition. Russia doesn't even need to take ground, they can just sit back and blow the Ukrainians to bits who can not overcome Russia's artillery supremacy. The west is putting Ukraine in a worse negotiation position by continuing the war, they should make peace while Ukraine still has something resembling an army.
With every passing day, the war might end in much less favorable terms for Ukraine. If this keeps going what remains of Ukraine after the war will turn into a failed state.
Also the longer this conflict goes on for the less people will care and the less people care the less they will be willing to let their taxpayer money to go to Zelensky's pockets
For the west stalling Russia for a couple months is considered a win. The truth is that Russia has been consistently gaining ground and over time as western aid dwindles Ukraine will crumble. I'd say things are currently going very much in Russia's favour. Russia is suffering less losses and all it has to do is wait and keep the pressure up
I still haven't gotten over how good those gun mechanics were in that game. It was more realistic than arma or insurgency. Even the audio for guns was super on point.
Roblox has a lot of trash but also many diamonds are hidden in the rough there. I've played dozens of crazy good games there. I think it's because the devs there are actually motivated to make something good unlike most triple A devs nowadays.
That sucks to hear man. I bet you could've sold that OG acc for a lot of money if you wanted to. Those old items are crazy valuable. But then again there was probably a lot of emotional value in that acc as well
What I think adds additional importance to the elections this year is the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine. As well as domestic economics of USA all of contributed to the radicalization and further polarisation within American society. Among numerous other things like abortion laws. All of the frustration and anger might culminate in this one moment. Which will also be a deicisve moment in global politics due to things like Trump's anti-NATO stance.
Trump might be able to establish himself as a dictator of some American rump state after the conflict. If a actual civil war starts.
What I think is plausible though is that a new civil war starts in USA. It's already been brewing for like 8 years now (since 2016) and it's been escalating year by year. I think this might actually be the year the ♥♥♥♥ hits the fan or at least the beginning of the end. America is one of the longest running modern empires and its about to reach its end.
It's hard to say for sure, but it seems like Trump might actually win this year. Most of the polls are indicative of that. But a dictator? I find it hard to believe that it would be even possible for Trump to establish such a position for himself. There would be a very strong opposition both in the Government and in the public and many of his supporters would also turn against him. The president who got closest to the position of dictator in the USA was FDR and that was 80 years ago now and many changes have been made.
󠀡󠀡 2 hours ago 
Maybe Trump is going to be america's new fascist dictator, he already has a personality cult that worships him as if he was the second coming of Christ. He even said he would become a day one dictator whatever that means. Personally I think all this drama around Trump is just for show and Q is probably a military psyop.
󠀡󠀡 2 hours ago 
Fascism is becoming inevitable in both Europe and America. It makes sense in a way, because it's exactly what the roman republic did back then, during times of trouble, the senate would appoint a dictator who would take control and solve whatever issues they were dealing with. By becoming fascist the west is putting on its true face. And it's not a pretty face, but it's going to be very ugly and many people will suffer greatly because of it.
󠀡󠀡 2 hours ago 
I only played roblox once, I think I joined some lgbtq server back then and did some trolling, can't recall. I wasn't very nice, that's all I remember.
󠀡󠀡 2 hours ago 
󠀡󠀡 Just now
Ukraine figured out how to fix the aging population problem. Just send them to the front, problem solved, now they wont need to pay out their pensions.
󠀡󠀡 2 hours ago 
This is what winning looks like according to western media.

Imagine working your ass off for your entire life only to be rewarded with dying in a muddy trench that is if you are lucky, those who survive might end up missing a few limbs or experience some serious ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up trauma.
CR4cK.HEDI 3 hours ago 
i played a horror game and a shooter.. they both were legit games not some complete horse crap slopvlike i expected.. it sucks i cant login on my 2009 acc it was pretty decked out still even tho some1 got into it b4 and stole shidd
I am kinda interested in trying out the 18+ games on there like drink and drive simulator and some others but I am kinda hesitant to give Roblox my ID since Roblox is probably the least trustworthy corporation out there
Bro I've been a Roblox enjoyer since 2017. I know Roblox is unironically ducking awesome. I played a FPS game there that had more realistic gun mechanics than any other shooter game I've played almost rivalling triple A titles if it wasn't from the graphics and bugs
There's a channel like that in my home town but the idiots who run it made it public🤣 all of the members can be seen by anyone and it's overrun with porn bots. But from what I saw there were a couple seemingly "legit" vendors there.
CR4cK.HEDI 3 hours ago 
guys i was wrong about roblox.. i made a new acc and downloaded it its still fun and in some maps the scripting is nxt lvl making it totally like a standalone game like on steam or something
Germany is unironically on the brink.

AFD is surging in popularity already becoming the second most popular party in Germany despite it's open Nazi apologism

BSW only in a few months reached support of up to 32% in East Germany. BSW is a Pro-Russia party which is openly nostalgic of East Germany. 23% of people in West German provinces said they might vote for BSW in the future.
CR4cK.HEDI 3 hours ago 
the way you get drugs in latvia is pretty funny.. you gotta walk around the center looking at street lamps and other things looking for stickers with QR codes to scan so you can get into telegram drug market channels.. cops keep scratching them off but they always pop back up :laughter5:
Especially in a country like Russia where the police very actively monitor online activity
Never said it's impossible, just hard. The purpose of banning something is not to completely remove something entirely per say but to rather remove it from the reach of the general public. Krokodil is more common but it's hard to get nonetheless. Since again you need to find a guy with connections who isn't a fed and that can be done only through Talking to people to see if anyone knows someone like that which is already pretty risky and the other way is through the internet which is also very risky.
Chocodooby 4 hours ago 
You do find drugs it's just the worst ♥♥♥♥ possible like krokodil, zombie literal rat poison, so bad just using it once will cause your skin to peel ......
I don't know if you know but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Some might even call it good and sensible governance. Basically the opposite of what is taking place in Germany.
Chocodooby 5 hours ago 
You don't find such drugs in Russia, you find nothing in that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I don't know a single guy from middle school who had access to any drugs. But I did know a guy who had gotten to try cannabis once that's the closest thing I knew of people in school trying drugs
Kids getting their Hands is not easy unless the govt makes it easy. If it was easy you would've tried it ages ago. There's only a handful of kids who go out of their way to get drugs and even then it's not easy since they need to find people who have contacts and so on.
Snus is ♥♥♥♥ why not just smoke cigs
Chocodooby 6 hours ago 
You need drugs pal, if you ♥♥♥♥ yourself up do it properly
so basically there i am, 5pm, nobody is home except for me and im bored. i get a black pouch and put it in. i can feel the intense stinging (im used to only white pouches) and my throat contracts a little because dry mouth. 30 secs later im high but there is one problem - because i contracted my throat, i swallowed a very small amount of saliva. i proceeded to quickly take out the pouch before i vomited on the entire keyboard. it was 2 hours of hell until i fell asleep. i was super high and super nauseous. that evening made me not ever want to use snus again
i have a snus horror story for yall
Chocodooby 23 hours ago 
Well, as for kids, getting their hands of drugs is easy, they'll just ask some older guy in the school to buy them or someone has a brother and as for prostitutes, kids here have ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ orgies at 14 lol and I'm not even joking, prostitutes I believe are good to teach men that women are nothing more than ♥♥♥♥ meat and accessories to be shown off and to be able to get a erection and ♥♥♥♥ without emotions involved, girls here are so slutty they'll hook up for a shot or a mcdonald I'm just too much of a loser to approach one
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 6:45pm 
For broken people, anything helping them escape their miserable life is addictive
Витез Лимана Jun 8 @ 4:46pm 
That's what I've been telling you brate. People coming from more restricted societies like middle easteners get more easily caught in ♥♥♥♥ like this because they also want to feel the "freedom" of the west.
Витез Лимана Jun 8 @ 4:44pm 
Cocaine and LSD might not have addictive properties but I think they are addictive in the sense that they help you escape reality. A lot of people get addicted to that feeling even if the drug itself isn't addictive.
Витез Лимана Jun 8 @ 4:40pm 
The only reason to legalize drugs would be to control the population more effectively, get them more stuff to get absolutely f*cked up to. So they care less and less about your mistakes. 1984 style.
Витез Лимана Jun 8 @ 4:38pm 
Well the think with psychedelics is that they effect everyone differently. Some get really bad trips some people go literally crazy. Some die. When Alcohol has almost the same effect on everyone. And like you said the withdrawals depends on quantity consumed.
Витез Лимана Jun 8 @ 4:35pm 
Sure prostitutes can earn a lot especially in the west but I still don't think having people selling themselves is beneficial to anyone, for incels having prostitutes on the streets may enforce negative views of women. Also most of the prostitutes are un-educated and don't have any other means of making a living so what will they do when the money runs dry? Become homeless alcoholics / druggies.
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:29pm 
I'd say it's ruining the world
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:29pm 
I hate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gambling ads, I see them all the time, I never understood gamblers, my colleagues are so dumb they pay 10€ for a lottery ticket at some 120 million€ lottery and your chances are close to 0%
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:27pm 
Funny about beer is the withdrawal, from LSD the only withdrawal effect was I had problems swallowing, but that might have been as well because I didn't drink any water and stomach ache because of the paper I ingested, and this ♥♥♥♥ literally ♥♥♥♥♥ your brain, meanwhile alcohol: headache, vomit, nausea, of course it depends on the quantity
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:25pm 
Go marry your mom dumb ♥♥♥♥ pedophile ♥♥♥♥
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:25pm 
Most live on drugs, only way to cope with their life, says it all
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:24pm 
Not at all, of is just porn no difference a simulation, for the viewer I mean, prostitution is the real act
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:22pm 
"Being tough on the jews 💀" he literally tried to exterminate them and denied them any human rights
Chocodooby Jun 8 @ 4:21pm 
I'm addicted to new things, why? Because I come from a restricted society where this stuff wasn't available and I want now to try it all