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Remixz May 10 @ 8:41pm 
didn't like my joke and made fun of me by mimicking me in a nerd voice. i told her to stop and she did it again. i tried again and believe it or not she mimic'd me for a third time. needless to say she is getting BLOCKED!
boobgobbler21 May 10 @ 2:12pm 
alphafemale420 is my nemesis. she is out to get me and ruins my life on a regular basis. she has stolen 4 boyfriends and 3 girlfriends from me. my parents wrote me out of the will and gave it all to alphafemale420. she stole my high paying job. she doesn't even have a degree in my field. my landlord kicked me out because she broke in and peed all over the counters, causing thousands of dollars of damage. where did she even get 16 gallons of pee? she left the jugs behind. it's like she's been collecting it for years. it was dark and cloudy too, like syrup. what did i do to you, alphafemale420? why are you out to get me? please, please, you've taken everything from me. mercy, i beg. regards, boobgobbler21.
gopissgirl May 10 @ 2:09pm 
this girl is crazy and not serving any ♥♥♥♥ tbh she needs banned on every game she plays she never has anything nice to say and just screams into the mic when voice chat is on. i would NOT friend her unless you really are looking for an alphafemale
bbangelcakesTTV Apr 22 @ 1:41am 
Is a bully and cocky jerk survivor who isnt even good. i went out of my way to not tunnel them when they were trying to bait me then had the nerve to say ggez in endgame chat like a toxic b. learn how to play you really are trash and rude get gud
bbangelcakesTTV Apr 22 @ 1:41am 
toxic jerk
Daddy4ThickThighs Jan 20, 2023 @ 12:58pm 

Showin some Love ! :D :)