Old Mate Frankie
Frank   Australia
Sway - Hype Boys
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Mesothelioma From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers many of the internal organs (known as the mesothelium). The most common area affected is the lining of the lungs and chest wall. Less commonly the lining of the abdomen and rarely the sac surrounding the heart, or the sac surrounding the testis may be affected. Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma may include shortness of breath due to fluid around the lung, a swollen abdomen, chest wall pain, cough, feeling tired, and weight loss. These symptoms typically come on slowly.
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WideGrungus Sep 5, 2023 @ 12:26am 
I stomp on you
oliver's oils Nov 29, 2021 @ 7:28pm 
Mx.Jamie :3 (They/She) Nov 27, 2021 @ 12:42am 
I got a glock in my rarri
WideGrungus Feb 14, 2021 @ 8:52pm 
My pubes icthy
oliver's oils Dec 28, 2020 @ 7:18pm 
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a7ඞ Dec 14, 2020 @ 1:26pm 