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Recent reviews by Megalovania but in Frying Pans

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83.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
To preface the game is usualy fantastic but gets a dislike for a one main reason below.

FACEIT. No. Uninstall and never return for as long as this exists. Horrible for users all around.

The snipers are borderline useless, just use a DMR instead, infinitely better unless you are good at hitting only head-shots.
The glint on scopes 6x only add to the snipers (and some other weapons) uselessness, everyone loves seeing a sniper glint through trees across the map. Please remove glint after a certain distance, or at least make faded as it just puts a dot on peoples head (you are better off with a red dot or acog scope there).
-> Something to add is I would not say snipers are a problem, nor do I actually use snipers almost ever, most times when you die to a sniper there are like 5-10 of them all aiming and shooting at you, and it takes 2 shots to take you down most times (helmet especially), something a DMR does better.

Overall weapon balancing is not great, do I have input here? No. Could I balance better? Absolutely not, but it is an annoyance here and there, like the vector before it was nerfed.

I'm not sure what happened here but when the game first released everyone had mics, now its a ghost town in most squads, truly a shame there, but yes you do find plenty of people that still talk now and then.

Having a long respawn after a teammate revives you only for you to go down in less than a second is an irritation point too, having respawn time be based on how long you were alive could be nice, helps when you get spawn killed.

The progression takes ages, unlocking new attachments for weapons is a slog.

A lot of the maps are honestly too big even for 127v127, even with a vehicle you end up driving for a solid 1-2 minutes on a quad bike only to be picked off before you arrive at even the middle of the map.

Any map during the night is an instant server hop. Just playing with a lousy green overlay is not enjoyable, along with being limited to lower range scopes unless you use thermal which just sucks to use. A note here is though it is fun blinding people both teammates and enemies with flares during night maps.

Another issue with a lot of maps is how much space of nothingness there is, maps are great when you have action but wandering around in a field of nothing is not enjoyable, thankfully rejoining servers is super quick and easy.
-> A side note here is, whoever said planes would not work out due to maps not being big enough, pick any 127v127 conquest map and there you go a plane would be a preferred mode of transport.

The map randomization is really nice, I am a huge fan of the map being chosen being based on how many people voted for said map. (i.e. 30% of people voted for map x, map x has a 30% chance of being picked, very good change there)

A fun point of the game is the fact 127v127 servers exist at all, I love the chaos that happens during those, usually a pleasant experience.

While my review says I do not recommend, the game can be fun, it can be great with friends, but it takes some time and some server hopping to make that dream a reality a lot of the time unless you choose to just wait out a server. And as I said before even the mention of FACEIT gets a no from me.

Frugis 127v127 is the best map nothing will change my mind.
Posted October 5, 2023.
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