Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
14/20 (70%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Undead Hunter

Kill 100 zombies
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 12.48

Killing Spree

Kill 200 zombies
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 13.03

Wiseguy Whacker

Kill 150 Mafiosi
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 12.16

Nazi Hunter

Kill 200 German soldiers
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 14.00

Guillotine Master

Kill 75 enemies with headshots
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 12.16

Sweet Tooth

Eat 50 cannoli
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 12.56

Swinging Balls

Kill 5 ball-and-chain zombies in mid air
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 13.05

When Blood Hits The Fan

Have 20 enemies killed by propelling airvents in the 'Secret Base' level
Avattu 24.3.2018 klo 9.04

The Widowmaker

Defeat the U-boat
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 13.24

Tanks A Lot

Defeat the Tank boss
Avattu 24.3.2018 klo 8.42

Drop The Ball

Defeat the German Commander Boss
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 14.03

The Last Don

Defeat the end boss
Avattu 24.3.2018 klo 10.10


Consecutively kill 20 units with headshots
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 11.53

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Kill a German soldier by dropping the churchbell on top of him in the 'Killing Fields' level
Avattu 8.3.2018 klo 14.07

I Really Don't Like Zombies

Kill 500 zombies
350 / 500

Chop Shop

Destroy 15 vehicles
7 / 15


Kill 100 enemies with the chainsaw
9 / 100

No Loitering!

Simultaneously kill 5 enemies with the rocket launcher


Survive the Raid using only the baseball bat

Quick Draw

Finish the Thugtown level, using only the pistol