Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
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LeGauss James 12 órája 
Part time.... UNPAID?1??111??1 Only at Gauss Hift!
LeGauss James jún. 11., 1:49 
LeGauss James jún. 9., 0:48 
Make sure Gauss doesn't figure out kay babe?
dK Crump jún. 8., 8:39 
+ rep - finally a woman who understands how to play video games. Shame ur a lesbo tho :(
dK Crump máj. 30., 16:20 
Made this kid mad in Uncletopia and he added me and told me to mge granary mid soldier only LOL He beat me the first 1v1 then he got all cocky and i won 6 in a row and ransacked his elo LMFAO
Salt máj. 26., 10:21 
Will the real Mikhail please stand up?