Vetrina immagini
◎ CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-11700K
◎ RAM: HyperX Fury 16gb DDR4 (x2)
◎ GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 3070 12 GB
◎ SSHD: Seagate 1TB FireCuda 3.5
◎ SSD: Seagate 1TB FireCuda 530
◎ Monitors: Samsung CRG5 240hz (x2)
◎ Razer Huntsman Elite
◎ Razer Deathadder Elite
◎ Corsair Void pro

LEON 5 apr, ore 11:26 
Vanessa 5 apr, ore 9:32 
have a nice offer, added
donald pump 26 mar, ore 5:24 
lets make a deal
CS.PRO N1sse 7 apr 2023, ore 5:35 
tjena kexet säljer du din blodsport
groke 10 dic 2022, ore 13:40 
are you still alive
calls Ho Chi Minh Thought 26 gen 2022, ore 6:56 
Hey man i have added you to be friends, talking and sharing things, but mostly because i love finland and your people are very friendly and great warriors, Greetings from Brazil united we are strong!