a lovely person
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Hokōri Feb 9 @ 12:36pm 
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CTriggerHurt Oct 11, 2023 @ 5:09pm 
i don't know why i was notified of this at all and i have absolutely no context for what this guy did, sounds like some nonsense with cosmetics that have poor team recognition or are outright broken. my main question is simple: why are you venting here? i get your frustration, but your reaction to a game that wasn't very fun is kind of absurd. i'm sure his loadout was very stupid and annoying to play against, but if you just assert meaningless authority over random strangers on the internet because you have been playing a game for longer than them, it shouldn't be surprising that they don't really care for what you have to say. in the future, consider not leaving a comment right after a bad game to avoid making yourself a good example of bad etiquette.

in the simplest way i can put it: if you are not having fun playing your favorite video game, then maybe it's time to stop playing it for now and take a breather - it's the mature thing to do, and nobody that matters will mind.
Unseen Unit Oct 11, 2023 @ 11:39am 
My day was perfectly fine before I met you.

Problem is, more and more people using that type of garbage Pyro loadouts since few months, and it just encourage others people to do it as well, and also content creators to submit stupid cosmetics that ruins the artstyle even more and make a fu.ckton of money if this stuff get eventually added. It's a vicious circle.

And this is borderline cheating, since you mess with team color recognition in the intent to confuse every players who care about the game just to get your free easy kills (not to mention you can also confuse your own teammates).
a lovely person Oct 11, 2023 @ 8:43am 
Mate I didn't expect you to get this triggered about it but whatever, maybe you're having a bad day or something. Messing around with a dumb loadout for 1 game equals cheat software apparently.
a lovely person Oct 11, 2023 @ 7:04am 
a lovely person Feb 5, 2023 @ 7:33pm 
cheers, same goes for you