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12 people found this review helpful
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398.9 hrs on record (239.2 hrs at review time)
Picked up this game the first week it was in early access, at the time it was amazing as the lack of polish and design issues seemed like they would be fixed given early access, that and the devs seemed to listen to feedback.

My issues with the game mainly come from the end of its dev cycle, every update for the game was great, well sorta, but ill get to that later. It added maps, items, characters, secrets, everything. The issue is the game was released unfinished, the game was released with a game breaking oversight where on the final map you could get softlocked and have to restart your run for crying out loud. The game missed items, characters, and skills, hell even the lore logs were not and still are not filled out. Honestly, the final update failed on pretty much every level possible, except the survivor, he truly seems like the only good thing that was made.
The game is fine enough, it has solid gameplay and I believe you could get your money's worth of hours on it if you enjoy the gameplay, if you seemed to like it back when it was in early access, you still will because the downside of all the updates that I mentioned was, they did not really change gameplay at all, new content was added without polishing the core loop of the game.

The reasons I'm giving this a negative review are as follows:
1: I feel this game has waaay too many good reviews
2: The game was released unfinished and remains unfinished
3: Right after the game was released unfinished the devs agreed to an exclusivity deal with stadia and announced that there will be paid dlcs in the future (I dislike this because the game is not even finished and they are already working on dlc)
4. I feel this game is on par, if not worse than the original in almost every way, anything bad you can say about the original game is also present here, it shows they did not learn from their mistakes or did not care. Risk of Rain 1 is cheaper, made with game maker, and was originally a school project. Risk of rain 2 was backed by a multi-million dollar corporation, given tons of press and funding, and made with a larger more experience team and yet I feel Ror1 is more complete.

To be fully transparent, I'm pretty sure I remember hearing about the devs saying something like them making a free update to add in all the stuff that had to be cut due to time and money, but it has been 9 months since the release so I'll take that for a grain of salt.
Posted November 29, 2020. Last edited November 30, 2020.
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283.3 hrs on record (93.9 hrs at review time)
Is okay, but id say play with mods for a better time
Posted June 30, 2019.
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27.4 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Fun little game, is a bit easy but the classic version makes up for it, it also can get repetitive at times but all and all a nice fun game that at times can be really hard, and at most a casual, calm, and for the most part fun way to spend your time and money.
Posted October 23, 2016. Last edited June 21, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
The DLC is amazing it is just all of it's audio dont work for me. (Most likely my fault.)
Posted January 9, 2016.
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