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103.4 hrs on record (102.2 hrs at review time)
(If you play WW you actually make the game worse)

Cool cast of characters to choose from, like joker, wonder woman, shaggy, wonder woman, and wonder woman

I ACTIVELY pray on this games downfall
Posted June 10. Last edited June 10.
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45.2 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
I have changed this review finally from negative-->positive now that the game is actually playable

With that said I can officially review the game without ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about the loading screen

First let's start with the common complaints/negative reviews; 60fps, no ultra-wide support, and obv server bugs. For one, the server issues have been (for the most part) resolved. Secondly, no ultra-wide, though I don't have one, I can't imagine is SO unplayable that you just can not play the game and neg review this. Same for 60 fps. Does the fps cap suck? Sure, Should it even be a thing? Probably not. But I'm not gonna sit here and act like 60fps is just unplayable trash.

I've also seen some complaints about the shop and the price of the game. It's on sale for like 15 bucks rn, and at MOST it's 20$. And what do you get for that? ZERO microtransactions, everything unlockable. People are worried about the heros being locked, except you can unlock all of them in maybe 3-4 hours of playtime lol.

As far as the positives go, this game is fun as ♥♥♥♥, has no microtransactions, looks and feels beautiful. Also it's not overwatch. Balance is pretty OKAY, I wouldn't say there's any glaring OP champs, though I do have a couple champs in mind that are really strong.

I would say just get the game, skip the 3 billion tutorials, and if you don't like it just refund it. You'll know in 2 hours time (maybe not since ur potential fav champed is locked) wether it's for you. Games go by pretty fast.
Posted April 9. Last edited April 10.
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75.8 hrs on record (63.9 hrs at review time)
I'm a heavy main so caution ahead (the nerfs were justified but maybe make it so you can't c4 throwables xD)

The game is very fun and it heavily rewards communication/teamwork more so than just having good aim. Literally everything being destructible makes every game feel unique even with the small map pool. For the most part, every class is pretty balanced or have their own builds that are viable. With that being said, as for right now at least, just get ready to get stun gunned out the ass because for whatever reason they buff the only stun in the game that makes it so you cant switch to any ability, move, or even aim down your sight. Also, mediums run every lobby, you'd think they'd get a slight nerf when EVERY single medium ability/weapon is viable and people 3 stack them. Other than that the game is good :D

Posted December 26, 2023.
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24.1 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A charming game

There's a lot I want to talk about with this game and I'm having trouble on where to start, so I'll just lead it off by saying this game is very pretty. From the color schemes, the designs, monologue, the characters, everything feels vibrant and alive. Like it has a purpose for being there. But it doesn't do it in a way that's too time consuming where you dread talking to npc's because they take up too much time. It's done in a way where you're in and out. Though, that's not what's really the point of this review. This is if you're having trouble deciding to get the game or not, and hopefully this will help. I will be going over what I think the ups/downsides are, as well as what I would like to see in the future.


This game does a really good job at rewarding you for the time you've put in. Yes, I've only put in 4 hours, so who knows if that's how it will be when I get to 100, but so far, there are always things for you to get, upgrade, recycle, or work towards. No matter what YOU decide to do, it will go towards something, and I really like that. It makes it feel like less of a grind or chore. And they still do it even when I have almost two characters maxed out.

Gunplay is very fun and diverse, which isn't a surprise considering they went the Borderlands route with the whole guns and subclass for guns, I.e. Water/Fire/Nature/Magnetic etc which allows for you to again, play how you want to play.

Abilities are very unique to each character, each having their own skill trees, as well as own cosmetics, making them feel more unique, even if there are a multitude of the same character being played.

The story is honestly pretty captivating. I'm not saying its anything revolutionary, but considering most people are playing this for the co-op aspect, it's story is surprisingly really cool, and it's something I have been made to genuinely care for.

Level design/content is pretty plentiful. Like honestly. Some people say that it feels like a loop, and to that I say welcome to the rogue-like genre lol. To me it doesn't feel like a loop, because of the constant different mission types you go on, like payload, defense, explore etc. Which is the other thing, some levels have "explore" on them, meaning they are meant to be replayed for more value than just getting all the chests and hidden treasures on the map. You fight enemies for more xp, on top of getting extra loot.


Honestly, there isn't much to say here, other than the painfully obvious which is the servers/early access.
Yes, believe it or not, early access games are fully finished and will have rough spots. The biggest gripe you will hear from players are server stability, which for 90% of people, isn't an issue. So take with that what you will.

For me, my biggest personal complaint is the fact that there is FORCED multiplayer. This is a problem for multiple reasons. 1, obviously, you can not play solo, unless you're doing a story mission or by the grace of god no one joins your game. Two, even if you set your lobby to private, where it's invite only, (at least this happened for my friend and I) people were STILL able to join. Again, I don't really care, but it would be nice to just have some games where it's him and I. (THIS LAST PART IS JUST A HUNCH AND NOT CONFIRMED, AS WELL AS A POTENTIAL UPSIDE!!) And the 3rd and final issue with this is scaling. Because the game basically forces you to have 4 people, the game doesn't scale to the lower numbers, because it's not really supposed to happen. So if you do have 2 people, somehow, you are going to be fighting people as if you had 4, because the game SHOULD be forcing players to join your non-full lobby. At least I think lol. And this is also an upside because it makes it more challenging, which for me is always more enjoyable.

Changes I would like

Color palates. Especially for the pants. I have no clue why, but the color palates for all the pants are honestly horrendous. Like they basically aren't there. They just slightly change the color of your jordans.

Crystals. You can earn these through ranking up your rebel rank, but you'll soon realize, this just isn't enough to be able to actually spend it on anything you want. But it's okay since it's just cosmetic and there are other ways of getting cosmetics without paying money.

Map function. You can't zoom in or out, or move your map at all when you press ESC in a level, which is because it's already zoomed out pretty far, but I think it would be cool to have a feature where you could zoom in and move it around.

Private. Lobbies. Let people play solo, or co-op, please don't force 4 people to always be on a level lol.

Final thoughts
Just get the game lol. It's on sale for what, 10 bucks? Worst case scenario, you get 2 hours in and refund it. Trust me, 2 hours in and you'll know if this game is for you. If you like rogue-likes, and destiny or borderlands, and you don't have ♥♥♥♥♥♥ internet, I don't see any reason why wouldn't like this game.
Posted September 26, 2023. Last edited September 27, 2023.
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2,072.7 hrs on record
for each bot remove is one picture of my balls i send
Posted September 14, 2023. Last edited June 5.
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0.4 hrs on record
Controller support is ♥♥♥♥

characters auto move whenever you hover them
Posted September 14, 2023.
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11 people found this review helpful
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14.3 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

DISCLAIMER: So to get it straight out of the way this is one of those reviews where I negatively review the game, despite thinking it's quite good. The review is based on my PERSONAL experience with the game. (I AM PLAYING SOLO, THAT'S WHY I'M HAVING AN AWFUL TIME)

Like what other people are saying, this game is basically barotrauma. Some say the missions are like DRG, which I can kind of understand, with how the galaxy map looks/feels, and loading into the mission, but that's about it.



  • The game actually has a really good amount of content for early access, and the game play loop doesn't SEEM like something I will get bored of. The game is relatively pretty nice to look at, i.e. pretty graphics, cosmetics, ships, etc.

  • Gun play feels really good. Just because you're new into the game, doesn't mean your ship and equipment is star trooper level ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, which is appreciated. Don't get me wrong, it's not very strong, but it's good enough. We will come back to this point in the cons though. The repair arrow minigame is also really fun, so you're not literally just sitting there afk holding left click repairing your things (barotrauma).

  • Cosmetics are free aka loot boxes, upgrades are free, and so are gene pools. All you have to do is play the game, and you get rewarded with all of these, which is SUPER nice. No stupid micro transactions or p2w schemes.

  • When I'm not coping, I can appreciate the game being challenging. By this I mean I personally would rather a game be harder than easy. Nothing get's more boring than easy AI combat. (Sea of Thieves)



  • This game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ impossible on your own. There is just way too much going on for 2 hands. My biggest gripe is the CONSTANT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bombardments of AI every minute. It's unreal. Even AFTER you just wiped out an army, literally not a minute later another one appears. Also, you are on a time limit, so good luck. Half the time, whatever ends up calling in reinforcements, will usually move out of distance, which in this game I believe it's 1.2km, and when this happens, (as far as I'm aware) you LITERALLY can't hit it. At all. Your bullets wont register since the target is too far. So obviously, you can't move the ship closer AND attack the targets. Not like it matters, since your damage output isn't killing it anyways before it calls. You can't get anything done, at least without sacrificing half your ships hp. There are other creatures that do this too, like the snipers, that I've had where they will move out of your target range, yet hit you, so you have to get out of the gunner, move your ship, go back into the gunner, meanwhile your ship has been blasted. Obviously, this mechanic isn't bad when there is at least two of you.

  • Playing with randoms is not going to work 9/10 times. Most people, like others have mentioned, will just leave, or spam the airlock. You will almost never get a group that can actually play together.

  • The UI is so unbearable when telling you where to go. Unless you are literally breathing on the quadrants of where you need to be, you won't know where you're supposed to be going. This is most impact when your ship gets damaged. It is so unreal as to why they made it so difficult for you to tell where the damage has been done. The UI indicator doesn't pop up until you're essentially on it. You're better off finding the tiny ass 4x4 square that is your "damage" on the ship. There are missions where you have to attack multiple ships, and there's no indicator. You have to just move at a snails pace and hope when you turn the corner you find them. Sometimes it's easy to find them, sometimes not. Or when you get an alloy and you're supposed to put it somewhere, the indicator doesn't pop up until your nuts are on it. Unless that's just a personal issue I'm having. And honestly, I don't even ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ care about that, but it becomes a problem when like I said, every minute you're getting attacked. You aren't afforded the luxury and taking your time and checking things out, like the game supposedly wants you to, without getting absolutely riley reided.

  • Ship upgrades and customization (lack of). For the smaller ship, the one for 2-3 people, the upgrade you get after the starter gives you a defense gunner AI, that, tbh, doesn't really do anything, while taking up a space of your power. But it's still something. This isn't the issue. The issue is this "upgrade". It changes BOTH your single fire guns to mini guns. You know what doesn't do this? The bigger ship for 3-4 players. If you couldn't tell already, the mini guns are horrible. For them to work, you would need to go around at your ships amazing snail pace, get alloys, make upgrade modules, and put them into the mini guns, which have limited ammo and a reload mechanic. OR, you could keep using your single fire, that has first shot accuracy (by this I mean it has the first bullet accuracy mechanic like in fortnite, where your first shot will be basically guaranteed to be dead on) , infinite ammo, and 2 shots the tiny adds, unlike the mini gun. In a perfect world, you could just choose one of each.

  • The scooper for whatever reason costs 2 power. The smaller ship lets you have a max of 6 power at a time. Your guns each take 2, and the helm costs 1. So if you want both your guns and be able to drive your ship, you need at least 5 power. This obviously doesn't allow you to enable the scooper. And no, it isn't worth disabling both guns for your scooper to pick up 2 items once in a mission lol. It's just doesn't make sense.

  • Jumping for some reason feels like lizzo is on your back. Maybe it's for immersion? But it's pretty dumb. Jumping, or vertically moving in general in this game is pretty wonky, even when you've got the jet pack on. Earlier I mentioned coming back to gunplay, and this is kind of a stupid gripe that doesn't really matter, but the trigger finger required on this, again, I wouldn't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ care if time wasn't more valuable than cocaine, but I again, am not afforded the time to wait for my guns recoil to go away so my shot doesn't go 50 meters to the right after firing more than 3-4 bullets. (Especially apparent with the mini-gun, which is to be expected)

    Hopefully this community isn't like the wayfinder community where you say one criticism and you get 30 clown stickers and ip dropped in the discord, though if that's what happens idc. At the end of the day, if this game looks fun to you, please get it. Don't let steam reviews solely dictate whether you get something for yourself or not. At the very least, try it out, and refund it. This way you know personally if it's something you could see yourself interested in. This review is really for the few people that don't want to bother playing with randoms, and would rather complain on steam review XD. No but seriously, the game should be at least somewhat playable solo. I imagine the game's difficulty already scales to how many people there are, but jfc, give me a bosco or SOMETHING to help. If you even have one other friend to play this game with, it's easily worth the buy. If you are like me and are trying to play solo until you convince one of your friends to play, then I would steer clear until something is fixed. My suggestion would be to make it so repairing the ship internally replenishes a little health to the ship? Maybe have a toggle for the ship to auto-fly in a direction? Give solo players the AI gunner off the bat? Who knows, maybe it's just a skill issue at the end of the day.
Posted September 8, 2023. Last edited September 10, 2023.
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65.3 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
All of my hours btw have been on the main menu XD

But seriously, the game itself is good, when you get to play all 2 minutes of it before getting kicked, but yeah you're not getting in.

Also, the discord is full of white night neck beard acne faced 30 year olds you bounce that ass like a stripper on the devs ♥♥♥♥ because it's "EA" so they are allowed to take 150 of your money and not let you play the game and then kick you once you clock in 2 minutes on the server after you waited 6 hours in que XD

I did not buy the 150 version because I have half a brain, but believe it or not people are allowed to be upset for a product they purchased that didn't arrive when it was supposed to.
Posted August 17, 2023. Last edited August 18, 2023.
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10 people found this review helpful
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0.6 hrs on record
To be honest, this isn't a fair review considering I didn't even get past like two, even hour(s) into the game. So take this with a major grain of salt.

First off this game being $15 is crazy, considering there is literally no story other than fly around, read this, fly around, read that. You can read all the monologue, whether from npcs or scrolls, but how are you even supposed to care? Your character has zero personality, (literally) and there's like 4 characters in the game aside from you. Maybe there's more later on, but the world is so empty and vast, which makes it weird. I get it, you're one of the last shapeshifters and whatever but that doesn't mean the world is empty. It's kind of one of those games where it's really pretty to look at and the movement feels good, which makes you want to put up with it. My biggest complaint is the lack of markers in this game. It is a PAIN to try and figure out where to go. *Go to the northwest* cool there's like 10 islands to choose from, and when you think you landed on the right one, you probably didn't. And when you do, it just tells you to go somewhere else like lol. Also, there's no puzzel solving or mob fighting or ANYTHING you are literally just running around.

Like I said, this is a review from someone who put in like, one hour. Personally, I have little patience, so this game probably wasn't for me. Maybe I don't care enough to try and figure out where to go, and that's obviously not the games fault. But dear god man it wouldn't kill you to at least put a marker on the map.
Posted May 29, 2023.
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4.1 hrs on record
A lot of negative reviews on this game are people claiming the positive reviews are only people saying it's a good game because you play as a cat, which to be fair is a huge driving point, but also just not true. The level design and pacing is honestly spectacular, there's really no overused mechanics/levels (to be expected with a game only lasting 4-5 hours) most puzzles aren't too hard to where you want to look it up (besides the workers jacket and hat quest tbh) but simple enough to be logical in the sense that you're a cat (kind of). It's scenery is really pretty to look at, and yeah there isn't free roaming but set pathing, but if this game didn't have that then you would literally get lost since this game doesn't tell you anything going into it, but more importantly you'd just get yourself lost. Although it would be cool if they had a separate mode for free ranging. The amount of interactions you can have with characters is pretty cool, everyone feels unique for the most part. Now my only complaint, like many others, is the story. It kind of just, ends for the sake of ending. Spoilers ahead: Once you unlock the outside, that's it. Your best friend in the story kills himself, and for some reason you don't pick him back up and take him down to get fixed? They don't show the OG outsiders reuniting, nor how they react or how anyone reacts really to the outside, like, it kind of just feels empty. IMO they should've added one more chapter at the end, or maybe just a DLC. Tbh there's so much missing from the story they could maybe squeeze a second one out. All in all, good game, 8/10, and i'd say its worth $30.
Posted July 22, 2022.
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