Birmingham, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Vetrina immagini
Vetrina immagini
Vetrina degli screenshot
Getting there
2 1
WoLF4N 9 mar 2022, ore 8:06 
+rep very chill & good player : )
Demon 9 giu 2021, ore 4:10 
+rep awesome guy
el tacos 3 mag 2021, ore 13:26 
+rep +rep
♛ TRICKY 10 mar 2021, ore 15:57 
He probably knifed you and you came to check his profile to see if hes hacking
Halocombat Fizz 10 mar 2021, ore 15:56 
-rep where ♥♥♥♥ is my awp fade ♥♥♥♥ mother ♥♥♥♥♥
j3tlag 28 feb 2021, ore 7:42 