Trans Dog-Girl
United States
Currently Offline
mn May 3, 2023 @ 5:33pm 
i win!
OldToby Dec 13, 2021 @ 3:38pm 
Trans Dog-Girl Oct 14, 2018 @ 12:31pm 
I have known adventures, seen places you people will never see, I've been Offworld and back...frontiers! I've stood on the back deck of a blinker bound for the Plutition Camps with sweat in my eyes watching the stars fight on the shoulder of Orion. I've felt wind in my hair, riding test boats off the black galaxies and seen an attack fleet burn like a match and disappear. I've seen it...felt it! I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
Trans Dog-Girl Apr 23, 2018 @ 6:43pm 
And here we are. I spoke of my return to this shore. It has been a circuitous path to lands I once knew, and surprising to see how much the terrain has changed. Enough time has passed that few remember me, or what I was saying when last I spoke, or what precisely we hoped to accomplish. At this point, the resistance will have failed or succeeded, no thanks to me. Old friends have been silenced, or fallen by the wayside. I no longer know or recognize most members of the research team, though I believe the spirit of rebellion still persists. I expect you know better than I the appropriate course of action, and I leave you to it. Except no further correspondence from me regarding these matters; this is my final episode.

Yours in infinite finality,

Gordon Freeman, Ph.D.
Trans Dog-Girl Aug 3, 2017 @ 2:34pm 
Arcade Gannon Mar 29, 2017 @ 12:59pm 
no, ♥♥♥♥ ME