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Neue Rezensionen von vega

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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
2,731.8 Std. insgesamt (1,216.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
bad game :)

started at early access, and took many breaks before and between raiding. good raids and music, decent story. CAN be played casually but consistent progression needs some grinding. many players will gatekeep on item level (progressed through raid content) and roster level (horizontal content), but still manageable to play. if you're going to raid it's CRUCIAL to join or create your own learning party. many players have several characters to run raids on, and want it to be done as quickly and smoothly as possible. this unfortunately leads to some players being rude to others and wanting people that messed up to be kicked, and can make it difficult for new players. some guilds and players are willing to help out, so feel free to ask others questions.
skins and gear honing items CAN be bought in the shop, however skins can also be bought using gold in the market. honing materials otherwise can be earned through a multitude of daily and weekly quests, as well as events (which are always up). THIS GAME CAN BE CONSIDERED P2W HOWEVER, if you aren't able to do mechanics or be willing to learn the money spent is completely irrelevant, you'll be kicked from parties.
once you're able to do raids, you level your gear up, so that you're able to do the next raid. Without them, there is no progression. All the horizontal content you'll do, is pretty much just so you get stat increases and easily get into lobbies.

All that being said, I play every day.
Verfasst am 26. November 2023.
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61.7 Std. insgesamt (60.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Starbound is pretty great who doesn't like exploring cool planets and getting weapons

Edit: After quite a while I'm still in love

Edit 2: 60+ hours and 3+ playthroughs and I still love it. I love how many items there are and how beautiful the planets are. Graphics are simple but I absolutely love them
Verfasst am 28. August 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 28. November 2019.
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