Lil Garfi Vert
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4,021 Hours played
Garfield Kart is no doubt one of the best games on steam right now. The combination of such an iconic cast as the Garfield Gang and the amazing scenery and maps found in the game make for an exceedingly immersive experience. The controls are air-tight, rivaling those of an AAA game, and allow for both a casual experience and a competitive environment if one is willing enough to learn the intricacies of them. The soundtrack to this game is truly what makes it as good of a game as it is. The score encapsulates the game in a way no other composer has done before. Graphically, the game has stood the test of time and is still up to par with games today, such as Rainbow Six Siege and Mortal Kombat 11. All in all, Garfield Kart truly is a masterpiece in all aspects, everything from the graphics to the characters to the soundtrack. God is real.
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59 hrs on record
last played on May 25
638 hrs on record
last played on May 25
2,356 hrs on record
last played on May 25
❤VERONIKA❤ Mar 30 @ 9:46am 
+rep Good Teammate 👍
Drahal Feb 13 @ 7:12pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
Wuntan Feb 13 @ 7:09pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
FanStar Feb 13 @ 7:08pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
PalePoetess Feb 13 @ 7:07pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
tomo Mar 21, 2023 @ 7:57pm 
This person was probably physically and mentally abused at school as a child hence their abnormal amount of hours put into games on steam, you can tell already by their profile picture that they have very little to no friends in real life, and spends their days forming fake connections with their internet friends who all realize just how much of a beta little B itch they are.
Nevertheless, I pity this person because the path that they are on now is one of extreme isolation and loneliness. I would also not be surprised if they suffer from the "nice person syndrome" that is to say, They are left wondering why no egirl\boy they try to swoon will send them suggestive messages and/or the nudes they so desperately desire. I wish you the best of luck in finding a partner, but also feel sorry for the partner that'll undoubtebly be even more mentally unstable than you to be stupid enough to fall for you. +rep