I play fat like a pro Jun 5 @ 9:55pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
German class 101
oh it's super easy, just roll your key board like:

Trust me, it's no diffrenrence from actual German language to people who don't speak German
I play fat like a pro Jun 4 @ 7:09am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
If you are in your 20s, 30s maybe even 40s, and you haven't seen what your butt----h0le looks like, chances are you are a failure !
But do not fear, Im here to rescue y'all!

Step 1: Take off your pants
Step2: Stand in front of a mirror and turn your back on it.
Step3: Look back in the mirror.

Alternative Style:
Step2: Use your phone and take a picture.!
You are welcome!
and remember to send your friends both the picture and the method!
dont wanna leave them being failures do you?
I play fat like a pro Jun 3 @ 2:10pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Multiple studies have shown:
Straight plp tend to shoot at enemies' crotch, butt, or ♥♥♥♥ when using a gun or a bow in video games.
whilst gay people would stick to tradition by aiming the head for maximum damage.

which one are you?
I play fat like a pro Jun 3 @ 2:24am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Choose wisely
You are so thirsty, and there are two cans, which would you chooseee?

a). Cola

And multiple studies have shown that
gay people tend to choose pepsi over cola, are you one of them? it's nothing to be shy of
BOBA BOB Jun 2 @ 2:22am 
I play fat like a pro Jun 1 @ 10:21am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
I just got a fat paied job at Hollywood.

ThereS my bEsT Work:
I play fat like a pro May 31 @ 3:27am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
By denying the truth of Meg atron Griffin being the hottest woman on earth.
You waive your heterosexuality, and admit that you are into man not woman
I play fat like a pro May 30 @ 6:03am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
What is the cure for your male loneliness?

A love from a girl? A badass built RGB PC?

Is it a hug from a man you love? maybe, but not always working.

It's gambling!
Start gambling today!

You have 10billion dollars! yOU JUST LEFT IT ON THE gambling table!.
I play fat like a pro May 29 @ 12:07pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know if you gain some copyrighted things without paying

say like, pirating a movie, downloading cracked games...

Logically speaking, you are Swedish...

also if you like death metal music
I play fat like a pro May 27 @ 4:10am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
No time to explain!
The world will in end in 2030
if you don't legally change your name to
Louis George Maurice Adolphe Roche Albert Abel Antonio Alexandre Noë Jean Lucien Daniel Eugène Joseph-le-brun Joseph-Barême Thomas Thomas Thomas-Thomas Pierre Arbon Pierre-Maurel Barthélemi Artus Alphonse Bertrand Dieudonné Emanuel Josué Vincent Luc Michel Jules-de-la-plane Jules-Bazin Julio César Jullien Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff
I play fat like a pro May 26 @ 12:43am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Life Hack
What to do when you want something that's so expensive, that would cost months of or even years of your salary?

Quit your job!

If your salary is 0, any price times 0 is 0, basically it's free by choice
I play fat like a pro May 25 @ 4:40am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Work Hack 101
For employers:
Did you know if you have your employees work past 12 p.m/
it counts as a new day, and you don't have to pay them any overtime salaries.

For employees

Don't poop or pee at home, or at any places that's not work.
Save it!
If you only poop at work, means you poop with pay.

Do it! Even if you are a driver! poop at work!
I play fat like a pro May 24 @ 12:31am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
What happens when an astronaut farts in the space suit?

I mean isn't that concerning?
I play fat like a pro May 23 @ 2:08am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
I can't belive some girls would do online NSFW streaming for money!

Where is the moral sense? Where is the self-respect? Where is the decency?

and WHERE IS THE LINK??????????????
I play fat like a pro May 22 @ 5:42am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Today's Scientific Found----------------
How to avoid paying taxes
Really>? They ought to put you in jail, you society's parasite

seriously how would I know? I never had a job
I play fat like a pro May 21 @ 8:49am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Im so sick of Capcom remaking every single Resident Evil game
and forgeting about DevilMayCay 3 Remake
I play fat like a pro May 20 @ 5:05am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
If you can see this, you are gay

This is not a joke but a well studied scientific found.

and the reason you are seeing this, is because you are gay.

steam algorithm doesn't lie
I play fat like a pro May 19 @ 4:31am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
A legend once said:

"Lisa, if you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way."
------Homer Simpson works for shcool and marriage too
I play fat like a pro May 18 @ 5:27am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Why do guys call their girlfriend, and why your boyfriend calls you cheap things,
like sugar, honey?

If they really love their lovers, they shoud call them expensive things like

Medical bills, mortgage, crystal mas, Jetstream, ElonMusk
Amber Heard's poop on Johnny Depp's bed
I play fat like a pro May 16 @ 8:20pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Due to the lack of funds

Scientific Found will be often delayed in the future

and yes, it takes a whole studio of Anthropologists and Psychologists to come up with a new gay thing about you but you didn't know until I tell you.
I play fat like a pro May 14 @ 11:46pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
The reason you are still denying yourself being gay
is because
you haven't seen a shemale pretty enough to change your mind.

Here, some pretty for your leap of faith

@Izzy Wilde
@Bangtan Sonyeon Dan
@Justin Bieber
@John Cena
I play fat like a pro May 14 @ 3:59am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Obese gay people like to say no

are you one of them?
I play fat like a pro May 13 @ 1:38am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know you can pretty much answer every question everyone's ever asked by saying " Your mom"?
regardless of what others think
I play fat like a pro May 12 @ 2:44am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Your high school math teacher's new philippine stepmon might not be spider-man
but she'd still shoot white stuff on him.

never let him know how lucky he is by telling him the truth
I play fat like a pro May 10 @ 8:54pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
If you are a nihilist or constantly having existential crisis.

You probably enjoy Deathconsciousness by Have a Nice Life or Me And the Birds by Duster
I play fat like a pro May 10 @ 4:05am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Hey! You all stop calling the owner of this profile page racist!
He is not !!!

and here are the reasons:

1) He has dark hair in his No No Area
2)He's phone is most likely black
3)He loves BBC Big Black Co....
I play fat like a pro May 9 @ 7:48am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Did you know why Issac Newton is known for " the guy who discovered gravity" and not for "the guy who invented gravity"?

Because he sucks and it's shown in his name

who t hell would name their kid "I suck“?
I play fat like a pro May 8 @ 12:47am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Remember! Getting things done only makes room for more things to come!

Dont leave your comfort zone!
I play fat like a pro May 7 @ 1:18am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Life Hack 101
Did you know you can get free candy so easily?

Whenever you see a van parking down the street.
Don't be shy, go ask the owner if he's got any candy
He'd be lovely to invite you to his basement for free snacks, games, and free housing.

and you will get more if you are a kid or female.
and don't forget to mention that you have 2 kidneys, 1 liver, and 37 lungs!
and bronze 4 in League of Legends
and IQ 250
and no one is gonna look for you if you're missing
I play fat like a pro Apr 18 @ 2:43am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
( ˶°ㅁ°) !! uwu
have i ever told u that u been my fav cosplayer?

everyday you wake up and dress up like a real man instead of those pretty femboy dresses you want in your closet

just want u 2 know that u r my fav pretty princess
I play fat like a pro Apr 17 @ 12:32am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Moral Class 101
What would you do when you encounter and got stuck with some kind of stewpid annoying kids?

Well, before you do anything, just remember:
Kids are the future

Theore, today belongs to us!

Kick Punch, X+X+X, Y+Y+X
Spam Ultimate

Finish him!
I play fat like a pro Apr 16 @ 3:00am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Earth can't leave the solar system is because of the sun's gravity

Human can't jump out of earth is because of the gravity pull of your mom's orbit.

Greetings! Today I'd like to tell another exceedingly excellent your mom joke, if you don't wish to see it,
pls skip and don't clike the dark space to see it.
I play fat like a pro Apr 15 @ 4:47am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Our FBI agent said that you've been watching 40+ gay videos at home the whole time
which proves that you have nothing to do with JFK's assasination

Thank you!
I play fat like a pro Apr 14 @ 1:03am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Nirvana is more of a T-shirt brand rather than of a Music band now.

If you can't design a good looking t-shirt, just put Nirvana logo on it.
Every incapable designer does that.
I play fat like a pro Apr 13 @ 7:21am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

1.______ I'm gay.

(a). Yes
(b). No
(d). leave blank
(e).Hell yeah
(f).You bet your as
I play fat like a pro Apr 12 @ 3:35am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Greetings. Today I would like to present an exceedingly excellent your mother joke,if you don't wanna see it, skip
I will now begin.
Your biological mother is so morbidly obese, when she went to go get her yearly physical done, the doctor took her blood and the results concluded that she had a high blood pressure, onset type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and the possibility of heart disease. She also suffers from severe depression because she lacks confidence in her physical appearance, which enables her to consume even more food, making her more obese.
I play fat like a pro Apr 11 @ 12:41am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Shocking News!

Spongebob's name is Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob == 9 letters!
Squarepants== 11 letters!

and Spongebob has 2 big white teeth, looks just like 2 buildings, the twin towers!

Hence Spongebob is responsible for 911!
I play fat like a pro Apr 8 @ 3:45am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
An Apology:

To all the straight males hasn't molested yet.

Do not worry, he'll get to you shortly
I play fat like a pro Apr 7 @ 11:32am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Experts Warns:
League of Legends and Valorant Players should go to the nearest hospital and get tested for prostate cancer!

They'd dress up femboys and sell their as for rank carry
I play fat like a pro Apr 6 @ 12:19pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Study has discovered that

0 was 2024 years ago!!!!

feeling old yet? seems like Jesus just died yesterday am i right?
I play fat like a pro Apr 5 @ 6:40am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Horrifying Fact !

Studies have proven that all males are g@y!

Being a man = Being g@y!

1, Because you can breath, every breath you take, the air had been in other men's lungs.
2, You are male, therefore you have a Dk, meaning you have a man's genital attached to yourself
3, Everyday You see yourself in the mirror, no matter you like the face or not,
you have grown feelings for a man's face, love or hatred caused by love.
4, If you kiss girls, that means you kiss someone who likes boys, which makes you a boykisser.
5, You drink water, as we know, male body is 70% made of water.
6, You like money, means you are literally collecting pictures of other men.
7, You have eyes and you can see! means you are literally observing a world full of other men!

8, Also breath means you are literally inhaling dlllc particles
I play fat like a pro Apr 4 @ 10:58am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
I was just typing when I realized

this isn't a :heart13: sweetheart

You are! Gay
I play fat like a pro Apr 3 @ 6:56am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Signs that indicate you are not straight [Boy Edition]

(1) You like BOYs
(2) You like Kissing BOYS
(3) You play Valorant
(4) You like Kamen Rider W
(5) You'd strongly denial whenever someone calls you anything slightly related to being gay.
I play fat like a pro Mar 31 @ 11:33am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know in today's society, you can basically identify as anything and people have to respect your choice?

Yes! I'm not talking about things like I identify as a man, or as a woman.
I'm just telling you, you can identify as a robber, and come up to people, say: I identify as a robber, may I rob you now?"
And they have to say yes to respect you!

Some of you might know that I said things like Vegetarians can eat steak from a cow identifies as a vegetable.

I identify as a 300-pound man, and my name isn't Homer Simpson.
I play fat like a pro Mar 27 @ 3:42am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Life Hack Inspiration

If you fart at school, no one will care!
but if you sh!t on the floor, you will have a word with the principal~!

What does that teach you?

Nobody cares until you do something big!
Go big or go home!

Start it today!

go sh!t on the floor
I play fat like a pro Mar 26 @ 3:29am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Study shows

If you don't wanna go to work, or go to school today.

Just sh!t your pants,
sh!t your pants!

what are they gonna do? clean it for ya?>
I don't think so!

So if you don't wanna work, sh!t your pants and then go home, have a good day off!
I play fat like a pro Mar 26 @ 2:37am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Study shows

If you listen to Deftones

You are a BADBOY!
Rubenjackson Dec 31, 2023 @ 12:45am 
🎄Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024.🎄
BOBA BOB May 17, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
来吧。为好人干杯 :shockedstar2022: