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发布于:2016 年 6 月 18 日 下午 11:26
更新于:2017 年 5 月 14 日 上午 10:33

Basic Information
Title: Toybox Turbos
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Genre: Top-down Racer

General Impression
Toybox Turbos is a very nicely detailed 3D top-down racer with plenty of diversity to overlook its few glitches that pop from time to time. The opponent AI was surprisingly prompt and really challenges you on rare occasions. Not many enough though, as once you unlock more power-ups and upgrades, Toybox Turbos can become too easy to beat. And single-player mode is the one you’ll be playing the most since sadly, the MP segment and playerbase is deficient and largely abandoned by now. However this does not remove any replayability value from this game, which can be tremendously fun once bought on offer and played in local co-op.

Strong Points
+ Vehicle and track diversity.
+ Steam Trading Cards & Achievements.

Weak Points
- Too short and easy to complete.
- Multiplayer community is lacking in numbers.

Rating 7/10

This review was submitted for Marvelous Reviews.
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2 条留言
UN0W3N 2023 年 1 月 24 日 上午 10:57 
Thanks for letting me know.
User 1 2023 年 1 月 24 日 上午 10:55 
2023: you can't find ANY multiplayer session but you can still create