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Скорошни рецензии на Blue

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1.1 изиграни часа
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
The people here who write positive review's really need to get into context what is good about this game, in which i can tell you there is nothing good about this game and here is why.

The players are way to slow and cannot even run away properly from the monsters even with the supposed role mechanic that is just a slight dash that is about as useful as an ice cream in the arctic.
This hand weapon you carry around with you doesnt work half the time you wanna pick up the toy parts and sometimes it just doesnt hit the spots you wanna hit cause the hitboxes aren't well placed.
Hiding spots, sling pipes are useless because the monster can easily get / Hurt you.
The "Puzzle" mechanic is always the same and gets extremly boring after repeating it for the 3rd time with no difference.

The monster in the game instead of being a decently made AI would have been a better alternative because now they are replaced with Real players who have about as much decency as the creators which thought it would be a good idea to make maps with so much Verticality they forgot about there own game design by the second map.
People who play the monster have 2 personalitys, one is the player who chases down players to get them quickly and the other personality is the campers who waits in 1 or 2 spots and wait for people on "Key Points" like puzzles, toyparts, or the train to kill them of one by one, which makes the game almost unbeatable unless your monster doesnt do any of these things and is just afk or sloppy.

Now to the servers.... Ohhh boy... Ive seen a guy fly out of the map and then rubberband back into the world like a slingshot on crack, The monster killing and carrying 2 people at the same time and sometimes normal game mechanics completely breaking cause of ping.

For everyone who wants to give this a go, here is a bit of advice,
Don't get this game, you won't have a happy PLAYTIME here, this DEAD BY DAYLIGHT wannabe has nothing to offer accept lags, frustration against the unbalanced maps and constantly breaking key game mechanics.
Публикувана 26 януари 2023.
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4.9 изиграни часа (4.4 часа по време на рецензията)
This game sucks, dont trust the possitive reviews.

The camera, physics and gunfight's make it unique in the regard that this is the worst possible experiance for a shooter that you will ever experiance.
People are already using view mods as far as i figured out to make for a somewhat stable camera but people who havent downloaded such add-on you will most likely kill very easily because the recoil on any weapon will break not only the camera but also your will to live after every lost fight.

Do yourselfs a favor and play something that is more deserving of your time and not this so called broken mess that the developers call a funktioning game.

Oh and before i forget to mention it, the game has Hackers which will most likely snipe anyone in a 500m range and if people say one more time that these people are just good players, it is not possible that people see someone who has been hiding behind a solid stuckture for 5 minutes for suddenly getting killed with a headshot from an unknown angle specialy with this recoil and movement system.
Публикувана 26 юли 2022.
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20.0 изиграни часа
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
The Game itsself is fun when you have a chance at killing enemys and players but as soon as you get shot from unclear directions cause the audio makes it unclear where the shot came from, with such high Damage that 2 shots from a rifle with low tier ammo, while wearing high tiered Armor kills you, basicly says everything about the game.

You have a chance at being good while having decend gear but as soon as players with weird names or Microphone spammers join the game things start to shift very quickly and since the report button basicly does nothing more right now then give you a message with a light pat on the back and not what actually is gonna happen or if the report actually helped out to remove troublemakers. (Hats of to the developers, they manage to make a message bot when it should have been an acutal feature to help out the community to report problems with players in the game.
Also this is not a Joke you will only get a message back that you reported the troublemaker and thats it.)

The only 2 things that make this game playable is with Voice off compleatly and boosted footstep sounds but that normaly will not help much since this games sound is so bad that the direction of the sound shifts from places where it would be imposible. (For example i was in a gunfight and i heard another player comming from behind but no since we were in a building the sound of the footsteps where just boosted to the point where the sound from the enemy that i was fighting somehow went behind me and made me think that there were more incomming, of course i died in that cenario but that not the only point. any sound inside buildings come from multiple sides that means the enemy can be standing with a shotgun pointed in the back of your head while you hear him not behind you but infront and ontop of you, but never where the enemy actually is standing.) Also you at least need Tier 3-5 gear or you will just get oneshot by every camper with Rifles that deal way to much damage to Normaly protectet places.

In short, the game is not yet fully developed and the community in it tries to use the games features, (Voice chat and teaming in solo matches) to make your experiance Annoying and aggravating.

For the time being if your interested to play go ahead and see for yourself ,but if your looking for a good time ,maybe even with friends then this isn't the game you should be playing for now so come back later when it gets more updates or a full release. (I know this game is currently still under heavy developement and things will change in the comming months but still the issiues right now have to be addressed.)
Публикувана 5 май 2022.
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16.3 изиграни часа (4.2 часа по време на рецензията)
For an Early version it's a good start, i hope the Map gets expanded
Публикувана 10 юни 2021.
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0.8 изиграни часа
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Lets see what makes this game unique, Battle Royal (Mostly Sucks), Winter Atmosphere with Heat and food features (Darwins Project and Survival games) / Game says its sandbox but the only Sandbox part about it is the stolen gamedesigns that have been forced together into this game/ Gameplay is like a mess and the NPC's are the only thing that have any kind of brain compared to most of the teammates you will find.

The Reserch system in the game is a poor excuse of a luck based Pay 2 win system that gives everyone you fight an advantage.
There is no Matching system that controles player levels therefor starting out you will fight people with more experiance all the time unless you spend alot of time in the game.

Do not play this game unless you are absolutely sure that you are okay with bad gameplay, Pay 2 win systems and stolen designs from other games this is Day of Dragons all over again.

This game is a Worse "Ring of Elysium" Rip off and an insult to every stolen idea
Публикувана 1 май 2021.
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