Daniel   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Benachiro 2023年4月23日 14時05分 
-rep bubba player
76561199095155575 2021年3月20日 2時40分 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
Boron 2021年3月11日 2時47分 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
Kezan 2020年6月30日 6時24分 
add me for a quick talk, i have an offer, i couldnt add you for some reason...
xXXi_cud_nvrløse_ÜXXx 2020年6月10日 9時12分 
76561198050582469 2020年5月19日 18時27分 
Yo man, I know that you've already received other messages about joining the team, but we'd really like to have you among us... We're willing to pay weekly if you take part in some tournaments and leagues with us. We can pay $200-250 per week + prize pool split in case you take part in tournaments with us. If you're interested - add our team leader https://steamcommunity.com/id/poppy__one