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Vetrina degli screenshot
Source SDK Base 2007
Attività recente
886 ore in totale
Attualmente in gioco
4.247 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 23 mag
164 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 22 mag
Wujek Szef Szkrim 19 mag, ore 12:38 
-rep griefing trash attacks his teammates and talks ♥♥♥♥
℡The.Punisher㋡ 1 mag, ore 14:19 
-REP einfach voll penner und gehirnlos kann nur mit cheat gewinnen !!!!!!!!!!!!! report this PIG
thank you steam and valve for this wonderful players!! god bless all the cheaters and cheaters producers!!
Christiane Latte 30 apr, ore 16:50 
i can agree with below comments. total bot. -rep
Eljapu 29 apr, ore 16:36 
bro cant so anything in cs2 should uninstall with 7k hours
DeNisko.o 29 apr, ore 14:37 
йди збирай полуницю, ми ж не маємо можливості грати в кс, єблан