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2.0 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
I enjoyed the exact 43 minutes I spent on this game. I didn't find all the secrets, but having watches in those is pretty nice, I'll say immediately.

First, the good stuff.
The weapons feel nice. They're all useful - the revolver is good at rapidly sniping regular enemies, the shotgun excels at beating bosses and large groups of enemies, the knives are also nice to have since they bounce off walls and let you kill enemies you can't even see, and the pocket watch is a good power-up to have. It's funny, 'cuz I used the knives the least, yet even then they're pretty awesome at deaing with things. Sometimes I even heard enemies being hit even though I didn't know where the knives ended up.
There's some nice graphics in this game. The levels look OK, I don't really mind them - they could use some more detail, but whatever. I'm talking about the other graphics - Sakuya's HUD portrait is nice and the enemies are drawn pretty well. The weapons look good, too.
As for the levels themselves, they have good enough enemy placements most of the time (I'll get to my grievances with those later) and are very straightforward and quick. It doesn't take me hours to figure out where to go and I feel like I'm making progress because level exits are very much in your reach. I was actually surprised that some of the levels had level exits this early.
Enemies can be beaten very quickly (practically instakilled unless it's Wriggle or Suika), and those that don't die in one shot are not a pain to destroy at all.
The game also plays in an interesting way. You die very quickly (as it feels like it should be by bullet hell conventions) and enemies tend to spam projectiles at you, but in return you can destroy them fast. You must dodge quite a bit, and that's in spirit of the original Touhou games. Though you can take cover behind walls if you want, enemies will get to you pretty quickly anyway. Very nice idea and I think it's executed rather well, probably not reaching its full potential, though.

I have quite a few issues with the game, though.
First of all, the game is very short. It's pretty good and I had my fun, but I wouldn't pay this much money for it. Like half this price (without a discount) would be OK for the game with as much content as it currently has. I personally would keep the levels as short as they are, but would instead add more levels so you can shoot more things and have fun. I beat this in 40 minutes (and I'm sure you can beat this faster), I think this needs more content. Maybe then it'd be worth enough money. I've seen games sold for 99 cents that had more content, I'm sorry to say.
Secondly, the enemy variety is not impressive. It's actually impressive how little variety there is in enemies. You have the regular fairies, the spinning fairies, blue fairies that look like the regular fairies but spam a lot of projectiles at you, the red fairies, Rumias that charge at you, Wriggles that run at you and fire very slow projectiles, and Suikas that do the exact same thing as Wriggles, but faster and have better projectiles. That's it. That's all I can list off the top of my head, and most of these enemies are fairies anyway, so they may be blending in a little together even if there's differences between them. Where's the kedamas or the funny ghosts? Where's some other minor characters, maybe? (I mean, it's weird that there's just a horde of Wriggle clones running rampant, but it doesn't matter) I don't want to complain about lack of minor character representation, I just think more enemies that do different things would be so much better to have.
Third of all... why are the enemies so big? Especially the bosses. I'm VERY sure Sakuya is as tall as an adult human. It doesn't change the gameplay that much (and it erases the pain of having to aim at them to begin with), but it baffles me why they'd make everyone so huge.
Fourth thing - there's some jank in the game. The knives can get stuck and bounce infinitely in the level's geometry, for example. Or Suika's sprite is animated way too fast. And I also remember the first level's exit not triggering immediately and I fell into the exit pit (luckily, the devs thought about the level exit working even down there. No idea why they'd let you fall down that pit, though)
And, uh... the boss levels end, well, immediately when you kill them? That's... weird.

Referring to another review here:
I think I disagree with the notion that bosses are bullet sponges and that you need to beat several first levels with the clock. I only used the clock for bosses to make them easier to beat or if I had a spare clock lying around (and even then, I used those in possibly the least efficient ways), and I beat all the levels without cheesing them. The game is really the most difficult at the beginning and during bosses, but that's it. I think bosses aren't in the bullet sponge category, but it'd be nicer if they had slightly less health and dealt damage more consistent with other enemies in the game, I suppose. Oh, and difficulty levels would surely be nice to have.
The health bar doesn't make that much sense, now that I think about it. You get dealt ~33 damage every shot, really? Why not just make your health 3 and have enemies deal 1 damage to you? Slightly inflated values here.

So, my final thoughts?
The game's good (especially for these guys' first FPS game), the price is not. My personal suggestion is to either add more content to it or lower the price, really. I'd personally love to have a reason to play this game again (as in, more content), but I'm not exactly sure where to continue from where the game left off, I guess you can make up some incidents or something. Go into wild fanfiction territory or something. I dunno, "kill" Byakuren by pinning her to a cross with your bullets or have Sakuya battle some OCs or Yuuka Kazami or whatever. Just add more levels and other things!

I'll recommend the game regardless of the price because I like the games that Team Sigyaad makes, and also because I was particularly depressed the day I played it and it cheered me up. I don't recommend buying it unless it's on a sale that makes it worthy of buying or something.
Posted September 17, 2022.
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