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0.0 godz. łącznie
Fun time
Opublikowana: 6 grudnia 2019.
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24.9 godz. łącznie
Honestly, loved the game. After playing lots of FPS, this was a fresh exciting look on the genre. It's fast pace, colorful while not being to in ur face, and has a solo carry potential on any hero. I play a lot of projectile based charcters and I was pleased when I was able to play the combat medic and go toe to toe with the other characters. Each character feels strong and I like that. No character is bad unless the player his or her self is still new. Many ppl have told me the juggernaut is too slow and blucky in a game of fast slidding and Zero G fighting but I found that he can hold his own and actually stop the enemy in there tracks. In one sentence, characters seem fun and engaging to me.

Obviously the game is dead, which is dishearting. I do believe this could have been an awesome game. However the game giant OW overshadowed the launch of this game.

I do however believe that the over all feel of the game may have been to much for new players. Players that aren't very good at videogames would have a hard to time enjoying the fast paceness of the quick play mode as it feels sometimes there is that one pro-gamer on the enemy team who can out run bullets. I think if the game was put on a more team based side of things or go for a more CS:GO or FFA style game mode where the fast paceness would work.

All in all, I loved the time I spent and it was worth the money. It's a shame it going down, maybe it will be picked up by someone and put in as a f2p game someday. Def would recommend
Opublikowana: 20 maja 2018.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
1,348.4 godz. łącznie (499.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
If ur looking at reviews for this game ur an idiot, this free to play is so much fun to play and u should get it, NOW!
Opublikowana: 26 września 2015.
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400.7 godz. łącznie (373.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
If it weren't for streamers, I wouldn't be playing this game. They looked at Overwatch and said "Let's copy the crates system. That'll be fun." In the case of overwatch, the stuff u get is cosmetic, so it doesn't effect ur gameplay. But in Robocraft it's functional stuff that get, and you need that to play well. Making it random is kinda killing the fun for most players. Making it slow and boring for many players who the RNG gods have not blessed. Most of the well off players are old timers who had billions of the old currency. Now FJ did make a buy and sell items feature but it's broken. 10% is way to low of an exchange rate. The old rate was 50% but for some reason FJ has nerfed it, making it impossible to get high end stuff. Now to get to the reason why the game is this way, new people. It's not there fault, FJ wanted to sort of level the playing field but also didn't all the way. They made it so the new players could see these cool and awesomely expansive items they'll never be able to buy, to 'encourage' them. This ♥♥♥♥♥ on everyone because now you don't get rewarded for your work; i.e Top player could get 'paid' less than a player in the middle. How they didn't level the playing field is they sperated big and small bots/old and new players.Now this is how you should do it, but it's done really badly. The only stable parts of the system is the top of the player base and the bottom. (lvls 1-10 to 103-150 are stable places to play) And that's the matching que. Cpu placement is another factor, which is great, it splits big up from small, if it worked. Right now the cpu matchmaking ranges are 1-500, 500-1000, 1000-1500, 1500-1750. The 1000-1500 is so messed up. You can be 1000 cpu and get matched up with a full size smg shielded mech. That's what is wrong with this game, if FreeJam listened to there community, they would make the minor change of fixing the exchange rates. If you download this game, be prepared to play a lot to earn very little. Also if you want tips and tircks, come over and assk over on twitch.tv/HollywoodScotty We try to make the best of it.
Opublikowana: 20 lutego 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 sierpnia 2016.
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2.8 godz. łącznie (0.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
cant save to cloud help
Opublikowana: 28 maja 2014.
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