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0.0 h las últimas dos semanas / 348.5 h registradas (156.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 8 JUN 2014 a las 7:06 a. m.
Actualizada el 21 FEB 2015 a las 3:18 p. m.

I've put a lot of hours in this game and it surprises me that I still enjoy every mach I play and every hour I put into this game. Yes, there are some minor problems, like that there are only players on specific hours of the day. But once you know when your friend are on, It's always a pleasure to play.
What really blows my mind is that InterWave studios did a really good job on combining fps and rts in one cheap package. This game is underrated and should be played by way more people.

Please, to anyone who reads this, buy this piece of art. 10/10

And I will see you soon, on the battlefield.
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