United States
I have ascended beyond Alpha and Beta male's comprehension...

:praisesun: I AM THE GIGACHAD.:praisesun:

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Delicious Coom Sauce Aug 22, 2018 @ 10:03am 
“I have had my face farted on by both men and women, at point blank range. I like the sound and the smell. The ‘worse’ the better. In terms of sound, I prefer a deep bubbling sound. In terms of smell, I like acrid sulphur. I prefer the farter to be clothed. I don't particularly like seeing the anus open. It's not revolting to me, I just prefer fabric for three reasons. Firstly, the sound tends to be better with fabric, particularly jeans or nylons. Second, the smell lingers in cloth, whereas in the nude it is a relatively quick blast of smell. Third, I like the look of butt cheeks better when they are defined by fabric.”
Delicious Coom Sauce Jul 2, 2018 @ 2:19am 
Simply delicious!