Soy Sauce
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ミロ May 28, 2019 @ 1:24am 
I think this man is cheating for the following reasons :
-My bullets never touched him eventhough I'm a pro
-Everytime I tried to flash him I was also flashed
-He was always the first to shot even with my eagle reflexes
-Everytime I shot him in the balls he kept playing, ignoring the pain
-He aimed for the head when nobody does it at my pro elo
-His teammates refused to report him so he is even more suspicious
-I called him hacker and he didn't respond : an innocent man would have tried to defend himself

I am one of the best player in my village and I don't understand how I lost to him. He is 100% hacking
ミロ May 15, 2019 @ 1:12pm 
+rep good player/friendly
vitun leveeks May 4, 2019 @ 2:37pm 
yeboss22 Nov 24, 2018 @ 11:50am 
vitun botti:steamsalty:
Masi Pallipää Nov 2, 2017 @ 5:49am 
Explains rape "penis somewhere, not good"