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30.6 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Portal 2 is a fun and innovative game. It uses puzzle elements that are unique to itself. The $19.99 is worth it because of all of the uniqueness and creative characters it provides. There is an interesting single-player campaign, with different types of puzzles to enjoy and physic-defying mechanisms to help you solve these puzzles. When you are done with the campaign, the fun continues. Hop into co-op with a friend where there are completely different puzzles and elements that require teamwork and communication to solve them. Even in co-op, there is a compelling story behind it and will keep you playing from hours on end to finish every single puzzle with a friend. In Portal 2, even the achievements are creative. Some are the common "finished the level" achievements, but others tell you to do pranks on your partner in co-op or solving certain puzzles without doing a certain action. Trying to collect all these achievements extends your game time in Portal 2, and enhances your overall experience. In conclusion, Portal 2 is an amazing game with that is both fun and addicting, and has an atmosphere of ridculessness and seriousness. Even after you finish the main game, there is more to enjoy.
Posted July 9, 2015.
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