
Stink Finger Larry の最近のレビュー

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Perhaps one of the most unforgiving and nervewracking games I have played, Nuclear Throne comes to the point of nearly breaking a person as they play, run after run. To be put plainly, Nuclear Throne is a Rouge-Like Stick Shooter where every moment counts, wether it be dodging projectiles or choosing the perfect mutations. The game is very simple; your goal is to reach the "Nuclear Throne" and to save your friends. To do so, you must progress through different level and areas, slowly gaining more and more weapons, ammo, and radiation as you go along, leveling up and mutating from said rads allows you to take special perks and abilities such a increased ammo and health drops, or dealing contact damage to enemies. All of ssaid weapons and mutations are completly random, and make the game different with every playthrough, for better or worse.

There are also many different ways to play in Nuclear Throne, which revolve around which character you pick, and mostly, pure luck. Personalyy I like to choose high mobility, or incredibly safe characters to ensure an easier time, but if it suits you, you can play as a character that can dual wield laser miniguns. But, most of the time. your play style is determined more by what you get than what you like. Finding some weapons in this game are certianly not going to change how you play, but there are that most definitely will. Take for instance, the Laser Rifle; a high rate of fire energy weapon that if given the correct mutations, can be used throughout a run. Or perhaps you find a minigun, a weapon that rapidly chews through ammo, but with the correct mutations, can become a well sustained bullet hose that may never run out of ammo. While Nuclear Throne may give many choices, to play the game well is to learn how to play with the hand you were dealt.

There are many enemies in Nuclear Throne, some of which you will come to love, and others that you will hate. Wether it be a seemingly harmless maggot, or a crazed abandoned operative of an interdemensional police force, all enemies are unique and dangerous in their own ways. Some enemies can feign death, others will explode, some will run at you with reckless abanon in hoves of killing you, but they all share the common ground that they can be killed. Upon death enemies will drop radiation upon death and the stronger the enemy, the more the rads. As for a rule of thumb with all foes, if it bleeds, you can kill it.

All in all, Nuclear Throne has caught my attention, and taken hold, becoming one of my favorite games and passtimes, and I hope it does for you as well.
投稿日 2016年1月17日.
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