
Recensioni recenti di Lingunni

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Honestly it's not very good for a fishing game, the things you have to do in order just to get a fishing rod is insane! Most fishing games like Minecraft lets you start fishing without taking your time and resources. (Just break a tree and kill a spider!)

What are you doing DE? This game also doesn't tell you what you need to do in order to start getting the resources for a fishing rod, why are guns and melees in this game anyway?! And what do you mean I can't use my fishing rod while on a freakin hoverboard? Whats the point of even playing this game?

Anyway this game has terrible design and I really don't recommend it. It might be F2P but in reality all it does is cost your soul. So unless if you have extra souls, you're better off just moving on to the next game.

Pubblicata in data 3 febbraio 2019. Ultima modifica in data 22 dicembre 2022.
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If you don't mind the lag and mouse ♥♥♥♥ then its awesome! Just gotta download this temporary then you should be good! 7/10 Cookie gn http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=506930938
Pubblicata in data 30 agosto 2015.
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As if the hacker problem in CS:GO wasn't bad enough, it's free reign over here in CS2.

Subtick is a joke, routing is ♥♥♥♥ (I'm forced to disable valve's "dedicated relay routing" to be able to play with 58 ping instead of 120+) and the anti-cheat is the biggest ♥♥♥♥ you to this entire community. Source 2 was a much needed update to the game, but the fact that they released the game in such a beta state annoys the ♥♥♥♥ out of me. Competitive is the new "casual", and premier 15k - 20k elo will almost guarantee you hackers.

Hell, even the SERVER BROWSER isn't even done correctly. Missing filters for regions where I'm forced to find a third party website that does the server browser properly. You even have to alt tab into steam to be able to use it because it isn't integrated in game nor the overlay.

Valorant does this ♥♥♥♥ better lol
Pubblicata in data 24 luglio 2015. Ultima modifica in data 17 marzo.
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2,516.5 ore in totale (2,179.7 ore al momento della recensione)
hacker problem, content problem, lack of developer love problem, valve doesnt care about this game. there was upon a time where i loved you, but not anymore :(
Pubblicata in data 25 febbraio 2015. Ultima modifica in data 24 marzo.
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Visualizzazione di 1-4 elementi su 4