Kerensky MiddleMan
This is the MM account for

Confirm my identity before using my services.
Zurzeit offline
Rules and info regarding MMing.
Rep Thread []

Please use that to verify my identity.

Please leave a comment on my main trading account that you need MM services before adding this account, otherwise I likely will not see your request.


1: I reserve the right to refuse to MM any trade for any reason.

2: Please do all your research and have your trade ready before adding me. This means check the other persons SteamRep [], decide on a payment method, decide who is paying any applicable fees, and any other appropriate details.

3: The more prior notice you can give me to MM a trade the better for all parties. Trading via MM is not a fast process. Ensure all parties have enough time available to complete the trade.

4: I do this volunteer. Any time I spend helping you get your items and money safely is time I am not making myself money. Tipping is at your discretion, but is highly encouraged if you want to keep MM around.