
Käyttäjän fatpreet viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 1,956.8 tuntia (309.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This game has totally taken over my life but for all the good reasons, I usully play games that have cars in it but my friend who plays Team Fortress 2 let me play it and i sucked but after watching a few youtube clips from STAR_ I said to myself "Why not download the game?" so I did and the few reasons why I liked this game and im sure you would to : 1. All of the unique classes and there personalitys the scout in particular has a very funny one and does the most mild language of the pack and just it is why I love TF2. It is fun but make sure you dont have anger problems or you will play this game then go out and kill someone so make sure you can control your anger.
Thanks for reading this review of Team Fortress 2 and hope you like it!
Julkaistu 24. kesäkuuta 2014
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