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지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 586.0시간 (평가 당시 273.5시간)
게시 일시: 2016년 4월 26일 오전 5시 23분

Tf2 is a remarkable land.
A remarkable land, you see.
You can baconate a spy and make them holler as they die
You can play as a drunk, a gibbering Scot
Who chucks bombs-a-plenty as he'll go.
But what happens next might come from your wife
As like her, when you meet him, you blow.
Now we got the heavy, a top-heavy man
Who throws bullets around like candy
Unlike the sniper, who throws his piss at the bunch
Being shot is comparatively more dandy.
Then we got the spy, a slippery Frenchie fry
With the figure to match as well
But you're a rather big fool to underestimate the tool
As one backstab sends you to hell.
But it's like Hulkmania all over again
For if you manage to find him
You can spend the entire day at your near-complete leisure
Snapping the hell outta that Slim Jim.
But I'll last forever explaining
How to whack people with fish
But despite all the comedy
The game isn't tish.
As it's like Mork and Mindy
It's an achievement everyone will forever know
So it's time to sit back, get out your fish
(Not that kind of fish)
And enjoy the show.

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