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1 person found this review helpful
163.7 hrs on record (141.2 hrs at review time)
Elden ring is what happens when you spice open world into a dark souls game. I never could get into other dark souls, but this? SHEESHhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1245620/ELDEN_RING/#
Posted May 3, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
83.2 hrs on record (71.0 hrs at review time)
Played it way ago, then picked up back up just to drink soda, Neat.
Posted July 5, 2019.
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9.3 hrs on record (6.2 hrs at review time)
Amazing game, and in the options area it hints to maybe more updates, kinda like a different visual novel called Katawa Shoujo. Now I'm referencing this visual novel because like this game (well hopefully) this game will have new chapter's added on or a new squeal all together. I hope this visual novel doesn't just get left behind, aside from the sexual parts of the novel it's amazing. Anyway thanks for reading this review, also I whould recommend it to anyone who can handle nudity and explicit sexual dialog.
Posted July 31, 2014.
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4 people found this review helpful
71.3 hrs on record (21.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
First of all this game is amazing and free, for a zombie game that's free and has so much complexity, graphics it's like minecraft and dayZ had babys. But that isn't all, it has an amazing aspect of survival, and lot's of weapons to keep you occupied. Also this game has a giant map size and barly lags your computer which helps for laptop users and users that aren't using gaming computers, I love this game it's better then minecraft, dayZ, and rust, but those arn't all the honorable mentions, but they are all the one's that I can name off of the top of my head.

The second section about Unturned's survival aspect is you have to get an axe, and cut down tree's to make a base. But this game has a complex crafting system where you have to learn it or just look off of the wiki, but even on the wiki it can be confusing for most players. Now this game also let's you be creative with how you build a base like if you want lights, what type? A Torch or A Floodlight, but overall it let's you become creative on how you building your base's. It has more complexity then minecraft like how you can't make wood hover over a area unless you turn it into platform. This game is amazing and let's you create whatever you want as long as you are willing to put the time into farming for wood, farming for food, ect.

But if you can get on an online server with your friends then the game can become a bit more fun, and you won't be all alone searching towns for supplys an building base's. You can sink many hour's into this game and not get board, I've spend a large amount of time in single player and a portion of it in multiplayer. But what is also nice is the sync idea to where you can bring items from your singleplayer game into an online server if the host let's the server be sync'd. But the idea of being able to farm online and offline is nice considering if you are building a base in your single player and you can carry over some items like axe's, pickaxe's, or other equipment you can use. Anyway besides the point of survival and multiplayer being sync'd you can also go on unsync'd servers and play on them, without harming your singleplayer charecter. Which is nice if you're playing a single player charecter and you don't want to lose your items, or your skills.

Now as I digress from the subject of survival ect. I whould like to talk about the community surrounding this game and how you can become a part of it or just help the game's creator. Now for many game the are f2p (Free to play) they tend to have a larger communtiy because anyone can play it and become a part of the community. Now at this time this game may be early access, but for early access game's they tend to be a bit buggy which is always for good and bad thing depending on what the bug does. Now if you were to find a bug you should report it on unturned's website's bug thread. Beside bugs this game is constantly having bugs patched and new item's added which tend to keep the community activly playing the game. But I tend to not look at the new items being added, I like to enjoy the survival aspect of the game and how it all pans out.

Finaly to end this review I'd rate this game (at it's current state for a Early Access Gane) 9/10, and like to thank the developers for making a amazing game.
Posted July 29, 2014.
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