Nod 4 Bloodpoints
NOD 4 BLOODPOINTS IM A FARMER (i don't go live much any more)

:GhostFlowerHappy: :GhostFlowerHappy: :GhostFlowerHappy:

Nea, Claire, Sable, David, Steeb and Nic Cage main!

If you see me playing other characters I might be doing a specific challenge or matching with my beloved. (Or just to meme with other people in solo queue if they have a matching skin!)

More info/mindset further down the profile in it's own section, so I don't clog this up! Thank you for reading, let's have a fun match! (Nodding at start = invitation to farm, if you shake your head I will assume it is a no and go normal match! I would appreciate a fair headstart but I won't be expecting/holding hostage or anything, you're safe with me!)

🌿🌿 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 🌿🌿

This section will include links to guides of my strategies for BP farming, what I go in for as certain survivors etc, for if any particular killer is wondering if I need help with anything in particular. Thank you for being lovely and reading my profile! I generally mean well in matches and also play normally (but may need a chance to get away if I nod at start and you shake your head.)




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Favorite Guide
Created by - Bruna ♡ and sinned
247 ratings
More about me
hi i'm nod! i use they/them pronouns and i really like farming bp and booping killers. unfortunately, too many killers have been tunnelling, camping and slugging from the getgo, so i am only bringing BP offerings that include survivors from this point on. yeah - killers literally burned through the whole lot but we're the problem, ok.

i prefer friendly games; if you want me to help you with your daily rituals or rifts just nod at me and ill follow you! we're all just here for BP so its better for stress relief. I'm autistic so I really appreciate your patience. thank you!

and yes, of course i also play normal (which is my default if i don't see a nod from the getgo). i just like being nice! i respect fair killers, even when we lose. which is often. im not too good at the game tbh. but thing is, i don't respect people who go out of their way to just make peoples gaming experience unplayable lol. i'll match your energy if i have to. but i prefer being nice because it makes me feel good.

obnoxious sluggers, tunnellers, toxic survs and camping killers disappoint me, as i would like to actually play the game. please just play the game or let me go GG next. game's toxic enough as it is without you contributing to it. :( its not about the losing - its about people being so bad at the game they resort to this kind of stuff to make sure nobody else has fun either. (why even play at that point? you're not getting points for it.)

if you got this far: killers, if a surv is being toxic, please gently nopers me if i try to unhook them and i'll probably understand. i cant control what my teammates do and i probably missed it. if you're just nopering me the whole match i'm probably not gonna understand why you're doing that (and might assume you're just being spiteful for whatever reason). i cant guarantee anything but if i can help punish someone being needlessly toxic i will.

it's not about the winning, just about having fun - and for both sides, not just one. its a give and take. i play normally too for challenges etc, but i like to help out.

edit from the future: i am now just going next immediately to minimise the points killers can get if they tunnel/camp/slug/BM as a direct result of their behaviour to keep their experience of this as unfun as possible, since they're already doing the same to me. if you wanna be nice, ill be nice, but dont be a jerk when i didnt do anything to you. ugh.
Artwork Showcase
Emmy May 29 @ 12:35pm 
the love of my life <3 <3 <3
Emmy May 29 @ 12:04pm 
i love you babe <33
Nod 4 Bloodpoints May 28 @ 1:37pm 
and can no longer report any bugs or exploits since their bhvr forums dont work wahoo :D
Nod 4 Bloodpoints May 28 @ 1:37pm 
i regret giving bhvr more money when their moderation is this overly strict and targets people for... repeating one short message once. thats not spamming lol.

will post about future matches in a different community.
Patimeni~patata May 24 @ 4:08pm 
+rep the best savior ever (an angel as nea xD
Emmy May 24 @ 3:25pm 
love youuuuu <33