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665.6 hrs on record (143.7 hrs at review time)
Story time

It was turning midnight and I planned to go to bed soon, but I decided let's play one more game, see how it goes before I pass out, so what's a fun gamemode for a quick round?

I decide to start-up a game of Coven All Any, and I roll up as guardian angel.

That's fair enough, my target is a person by the name of Sasha. Sasha was a person of few words in the fifteen seconds we managed to communicate, before they were abruptly killed night one - the result of an unfortunate transporter and being shoved right into the face of a Medusa and turned to stone. I was heart broken by the loss of my beloved, so alas, I transformed myself into a survivor, pledging myself to a life of isolation.

Until the next day rolled around, and the mafia approached me. Their ambusher started whispering into my ear, claiming he'll protect me in the name of Sasha's honor, and so this is when I decide to buddy up with the mafia, until well.. later that day the ambusher publicly states to the town that he's an ambusher in order to get a Coven member killed. He gets the potion master lynched, and surprisingly - the town spare him, so I decide to buddy up further with my new friend.

From this point on I simply start saying random names and telling the town to lynch them, starting with an amnesiac, to the sheriff, to a veteran, all the while continuing to say I'm a survivor, but that doesn't deter the town, they continue to believe my claims despite me having literally no backing. In the process, my ambusher friend continues guarding me at night, until suddenly he's promoted up into the role of mafioso, and starts killing the rest of the town.

A few days later - we're the last ones alive, my random lynching and motivating the town and my ambusher friend who literally revealed himself to the public on day 2 as being a mafia member are somehow victorious, the last two members alive in this town, and we won. This is when a revelation is revealed to me. My original target, Sasha, was also the original mafioso, forced into Medusa's grasp.

Everything comes full circle.
Posted October 28, 2020.
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