
Последние обзоры kevinawakeat3am

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12.7 ч. всего
It's kinda like Rami Malek in Mr Robot..
Опубликовано 1 июля 2019 г..
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59.3 ч. всего (40.8 ч. в момент написания)
'pew.. pew,'
[Door's Blown Up] - 'kaBOOoom'
Slowly He Enters
me - '..Weighing at 15 stone ..the guy with breathing problem's ..Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarth Vaaaaaaderrr..'
[Darth Vader Theme Song Play's]dun dun duhduuhh dun duh duhhh dun duhduhhhhhhhhhh

(I'm a little well couple years late at doing the review but what tha heck why not, just wanna recommend this game even tho the online has been shut down(GameSpy), but that doesn't stop the fun, lot of fun stuff to do in offline mode but research online there are ways to play online on secure dedicated servers around the web just research but anywho 20/10 approved by Mace, Aalya, Qui-Gon Jinn(himself) and many more..:)
Опубликовано 23 сентября 2014 г..
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