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6.9 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
This is Animal Crossing and Breath of the Wild combined into a perfect few hours.
Posted December 14, 2021.
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10.1 hrs on record
It's not horrible, but it's not great either. A lot of the levels drag on way too long, at least for me. If you like autorunners, you'll probably enjoy it though.
Posted December 29, 2020.
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9.6 hrs on record
Just a fantastic game.

It's charming, it's funny, and it's a lot of fun to play! It's just long enough to feel satisfying without overstaying its welcome, and the plot is engaging without taking itself too seriously. The art is perfect, the music is perfect, everything about this game is just delightful.

If the trailer looks fun to you, you'll probably like this game. What a hidden gem, I absolutely recommend it.
Posted July 8, 2020.
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3.3 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
I've now played and reviewed all 3 Green Dinosaur Games over about 24 hours... So I guess you could call me an expert.

I tend to like these sorts of small indie games that you can complete in a few hours. This one took me 2-3 hours, and introduced new concepts at a steady pace. The level design was consistently interesting, and there was lots of polish.

The art in Rabisco is by far the most interesting of the 3 games, and the music is sooo good! I really wasn't expecting to love the music at first, but it grew on me fast. It's not big or dramatic, but there were several songs that I'd be excited to hear whenever they came on.

Pinkman and Duck Souls are both similar in how they play, level design, etc. This one's quite a bit different. If you're looking for a short indie game to fill a few hours, like I've said with the other 2 games, this game is perfect for you. I absolutely recommend it.
Posted June 27, 2020.
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1.8 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
After playing Duck Souls, I decided to play the other two Green Dinosaur games. Starting with Pinkman, I liked it a lot!

Pinkman plays a lot like Duck Souls, but with different physics. Instead of rolling, you can fly/hover, and the general feel of the game is a bit different. Both games are polished and fun, and feel like complete experiences in themselves. Still, they are remarkably similar, where Duck Souls seems like a more experienced dev's take on Pinkman.

I don't necessarily regret playing them both though. Both experiences were fun, and the different level design made them feel unique. If I had to pick between this and Duck Souls, Duck Souls would have my vote. Still, this one's cheaper, and I'd recommend playing both if you're looking for cheap games.

I absolutely recommend Pinkman, but with the caveat that I recommend Duck Souls even more. If you want a good, short platformer, you can't go wrong either way, but Duck Souls has the edge.
Posted June 27, 2020.
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5.3 hrs on record
Story time!

For a few years I've been making games as a hobby, taking place in several game development competitions (typically Ludum Dare). When I was 16, for Ludum Dare 41, I made a game called The Matter at Hand.

The game was a tile-based puzzle game where you used cards to control your movement. Sound familiar? Yeah, the central idea was almost identical to this one. So when I saw this game, I pretty much had to play it, just to see what a fully-realized version of my game would play like.

So I might be a bit biased, but I thought this was a great puzzle game! The level design was good, and the minimalist art fit the gameplay well. It was the perfect length (it took me about 5 hours), and each "world" introduced new concepts at a steady rate.

I do personally wish there had been a bit more variety in the cards (almost all of the new concepts introduced were new level tiles, not cards), but perhaps that's just because the game I made was more card-centric. Honestly, the simplicity in movement options probably helped the game, since a lot of puzzle games (not this one) tend to get too complicated too fast.

So do I recommend this game? If you're looking for a puzzle game to fill a few hours, this is perfect for you. I got it for $2 on sale, but even at $5 it's worth its price.
Posted June 27, 2020.
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2.0 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
This game serves a very specific purpose.

If you're looking to zone out and listen to a podcast or watch YouTube, this game serves its purpose perfectly. It's very very simple and bare-bones, with a simple scoring system that encourages you to do cool things over randomly generated worlds. You don't need to focus all that much, and from my experience, it's best complimented with some other media if you're just trying to relax.

I got the game for $0.59 during a Steam sale and it was well worth the price I paid (I've played about 2 hours and I could see myself coming back for more some other time). This isn't a game you get when you're looking to buy a game, there are other more complete experiences for that. But this game is simple and serves its purpose well. For $3 I could still see it being a worthwhile purchase, but I'd recommend waiting for a sale.

P.S. You should go for 100% of the achievements. It'll help you set goals early on when you're first playing. Past that point, it's up to you whether or not you want to play any more.
Posted June 26, 2020.
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2.1 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
This is great!

I finished the game in about an hour and a half and felt perfectly satisfied with the game. It had good graphics, good music, and good gameplay. It's decently challenging, although there were only a few levels that I actually got significantly stuck on (I should note that I have a fair amount of experience with platformers, and have made a few small ones myself).

It's polished, has a good sense of progression, and gives options for different types of players. I personally played hard mode with the camera zoomed out, which is what I'd recommend to most people. Casual mode might be nice for more inexperienced players, but for most people it's probably a bit too easy.

This game is a small indie game, which is made clear by everything about it. The visuals are simple but charming, there's signs in each level with little video game references, the whole concept is a bit silly, and it's over in a few hours. At the end, you won't be thinking "Wow... that was incredible", but you'll smile and think "Aww, I liked that." With these sorts of games, you can feel the heart put into it by the developer, and in my opinion that's almost worth as much as the game itself.

If you're looking for the next big game to play, this clearly isn't what you're looking for. If that's what you want, go get some longer game that a full team put years of work into, like Celeste. But if you're looking for a short, charming experience to fill a few hours, this is perfect for you.
Posted June 26, 2020.
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12.3 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
This is a good, simple game. It's not phenomenal by any means, so I can't recommend it too strongly, but it's certainly fun.

The idea of the game is pretty simple. You make games, the games give you money, and you use the money to make more games. This process is fun, but sadly repetitive. It relies on setting a topic and genre, and then doing some minor stat changes to make sure it's as good as it can be. This is fun, and certainly addictive, but it could have easily been improved. If the game had more freedom in terms of making the game... or at least something to make the process better, I would recommend it much more easily. Most of the time in the game, you're looking at little bubbles with numbers to see how quickly your workers are making a game, and as addictive as it is, it definitely gets stale.

That being said, I did like it. My favorite part is especially that the game takes you through gaming history, although with altered names (Playstation -> Playsystem, NES -> TES, etc.). I thoroughly enjoyed living through that, and seeing how the timeline was. It's not incredibly detailed (for example, the Gameboy and DS only had one iteration), but it's definitely still a major part of the game that I enjoyed.

It also progresses what you can do, and presents you with upgrades and such that does make the game more interesting. I won't say exactly what they are, but they do add more to the game as time goes on. As much as I would have liked a stronger core system, this helps fix that a lot.

The game does have an "end", or at least a point where content stops existing and you just play the game without any progress outside of what you yourself do, and it took me under 5 hours to get to that point in one run. It did take several failed attempts before that, however, before I actually made it to the end. I can't personally imagine playing through it again for a higher score, although I'm sure some of you would. I do think it's enough content to justify the price, even if the content's repetitive.

Basically, if you like game history, and are okay with a bit of a tedious gameplay process that exists in a lot of tycoon games, this is probably a good choice for you. Otherwise, I'm sure that many other games manage to achieve more within the same genre, and I'd suggest exploring those before settling on this one.
Posted November 12, 2018.
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78.8 hrs on record (78.6 hrs at review time)
This is a genuinely amazing open world survival game. The fact that it takes place in water gives you a whole new axis to control, and makes the whole world seem so much more dynamic than in other games. The game remains interesting throught the whole experience, with the core gameplay loop being incredibly fun. The game progresses at a good rate, with the story and your supplies both progressing at about the same time. It can be genuinely terrifying, but other times simple and relaxing. It's such a great experience, and while it's not without its flaws, I can say without hesitation that I recommend it.
Posted November 10, 2018.
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