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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 99.7 hrs on record (98.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 18, 2014 @ 12:49am

It's a great concept and the idea of the game is interesting, but don't expect to engange in many PvP battles, more so it's rare when someone tries to attack your castle, which hasn't happened yet.

Your Troops fight in a squad and can actually level up and you get to chose from several different strenghs, such as how hard they hit and how much damange they can take. If you loose a sqaud of high level soilders it's not the end of the world but you feel bad.

The game is almost too slow to start, but after 5-6 hours you start to see the gold coming in. You might have read it's "pay to win". You can spend cash for crowns which buy's you the special units or upgrades, yet after you get established it's easy to build a bank of crowns. Your gold even starts to overflow to the point where a good portion of the time your lugging your troops around from town to town selling goods.

Whatever race you chose to play isn't a total lock, you can still buy units from the other races. One of the key factors is collecting your loot off of dead bodies, I strongly recomand getting Female Wardens from the elf race because you can simply select their duty to collect loot and they do it fast compared to human peasents.

The AI isn't great. They are going to attack is how they are going to attack. Generally they don't engage you till you engage them. If they try to flank it's a pre-determined before the game even starts. The AI doesn't adjust to the battlefield and what is going on. The AI will flank when basically you already broke the line.

Archers and Crossbow men are generally a strong staple of castle RTS'. They aren't effective. When you see 60-80 Archers on a castle ridge after a few times it doesn't make you turn your soilders around.

The big draw back besides the lack of PvP fights, which when they do happen are very laggy is the overall Missions of the game. Basically it's fighting a small group of soilders, or laying into a castle. Most of the missions are putting down rebel armies of peasents.

The developer has been putting out patches, but the game isn't new, so I'm not sure what the future holds in stock. If they make a second one, I think they will get the game right.

I enjoyed my time with the game, but with no real challange and a weak storyline that actually may not have a ending , it's hard to say "Yes" or "No" to the game. However, if your looking to play a RTS game and can't find one I would give it a shot, it did provide me several hours of gaming.
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