
Recensioni recenti di Helioview, Gibus King

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Funny watching the amazing reviews out of this after it launched. There have been so many crashes and bugs in the release its insane, even for an early access game that has the audacity to charge $35 for how little content there seems to be so far. A lot of people who bought the game literally ran the 2 hours for steam refund timer up sitting in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ queue, only to be booted out after an hour for a server restart and have to wait another hour to get in. And those are just the upfront problems, then there's the meat and potatoes of it. It's "more difficult", sure, but the game gives you barely any money for potions when battles take far far longer than in Pokemon. I find the super effective moves not one shotting too overturned, to the point where me being size-ably higher level and using a strong move into stuff is still not enough to one shot generic, time-consuming trainers, and then I end up having to waist potions because it took far too long to kill something that should have died fast. Then the other issue is how long routes are. They are absolutely massive and entirely linear with no variation or alternate paths to take, which many people complained about for Pokemon, but there is little to no mention of it here, which I find absolutely hilarious. The routes also have far too many trainers. and out of the first 4-5 routes I have been on, I think there was a single trainer I had the option of not battling. You literally cannot walk for 10 seconds without being forced into another trainer fight that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ drags on and on and on, and when you couple this with the fact that battles give virtually no money (most fights don't even give you enough for a single potion, which you start needing multiple of to fully heal one of your party members very quickly) and that routes are massive and often have 10-12 trainers in a short span, none of which can be avoided, causes massive problems when trying to progress. There are also a lot of instances where there are random level spikes for seemingly 0 reason what-so ever, which is incredibly frustrating because they are often in the middle of routes or the very end, meaning you are out of resources or have to expend a ton mid-route, requiring you to run allllll the way back to the last healing station, which is an absolute chore and ruins any feeling of progression because it is so start and stop. There is also very, veeeery little variety in the TemTems for the first few routes, so you will quickly grow tired of seeing the same designs over and over. Overall, the game has potential, but right now the progression is just too slow and flawed with false difficulty and artificial resource scarcity that it completely ruins it, along with the frequent server restarts when there are already massive queues to get in, making people waist hours and hours of time for literally nothing.
Pubblicata in data 22 gennaio 2020.
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7.6 ore in totale (0.2 ore al momento della recensione)
If you have ever wanted Cancer or Ebola, this is your game. It's name should be Taliban Training Simulator 2014. This game has more physiks than I has evar seen in any game evar.

World of Warcraft+League of Legends=Bad Rats

69/10 stars
Pubblicata in data 13 gennaio 2015.
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3,995.6 ore in totale (398.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Absolutley amazing game with amazing graphics. The gameplay is amazing and the modding system is one of the most in-depth I have ever seen. 25/1
Pubblicata in data 9 luglio 2014.
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19.6 ore in totale (17.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Epicness incarnate. So much custimization, and the requirment of teamwork is essential. 10/10.
Pubblicata in data 12 marzo 2014.
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