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6 people found this review helpful
129.7 hrs on record (65.0 hrs at review time)
This was a fun game but ruined through updates. DLC through the freaking roof, adding a swat van that is easily taken out with DLC weapons but not any normal ones, and adding skins in crates that you have to pay to open. The reason it works in TF2 and CSGO is that they A. don't have any added bonuses, they're just cosmetic (Payday's make it pay2win) and B. they are found randomly during normal gameplay along with other drops and it's relatively easy to get the things you want. In Payday, it was already a random system, you had to get extremely lucky to get the mask/attachment/color/pattern you wanted. Now instead of a free reward you can now get a crate that is useless unless you spend money. Overkill really screwed the pooch on this one, they had a really fun foundation and killed it with the attempt to get more money. If there will a Payday 3, I certainly will not be getting it because I know it will not be worth it from the way this game was handled.
Posted October 19, 2015.
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