In an alternate universe, 100000000000000000000000000000.2 light years away, their is a galxy known as the foodiciousmaximus. There are 3 planets that once all lived in perfect harmony known as Tacotown, Burritobuff, and Nachonedsfrank.They all were happy until one day, Burritobuff heard that Nachonedsfrank was planning on taking their planet, and then taking over the planet Tacotown with the Burritans they enslaved.Burritobuff then hatched the plan to take over Tacotown, and take care of Nachonedsfrank.As soon as Burritobuff set foot on Tacotown, Tacotown released the Triceratops, It fought and fought and almost won them the war.Then they heard of Burritobuff genetically engineering a rock, and making it into a Tshabalabalaba.By now the news had reached Nachonedsfrank as well and they made the T.A.P.E. It is now a battle that has been going on for centuries, for who will have ultimate power of foodiciousmaximus.
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PEEPEEPOGO Feb 8, 2015 @ 6:54pm 
nice bio
ZeroMeaning Apr 15, 2014 @ 7:49pm 
+rep fast trader and nice guy :D