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Recent reviews by sebazziga

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2.0 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Super fun game, cool idea, unluckily too short, i would have kept playing! <3
Posted September 15, 2023.
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54.2 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
An incredibly fun game, despite all the negatives that come with it.



The character has a jetpack that allows him to reposition quickly, with a cooldown before he can do it again. This adds more skill expression during 1v1s and a really comfortable experience travelling the map. Also, each character has special abilities, bringing the game to a healthy half way between pubg and overwatch

- Forgiving

The game allows you to have a free respawn if you die really early into the game, removing the frustrating feeling of every normal battle royale when you get killed instantly by someone you didnt notice or who simply found a better weapon. Medkits, shields and weapons are easy to find, and when a game has reached its middle point pretty much everyone has got what he wanted to find. These are huge thumbs up for someone like me who hates battle royales

- Not Stingy

The game lets you have plenty of skins and paid currency if you play for long enough, rewarding loyal players


- Lazily Designed

Some parts of the game are hard to describe in other words than lazy. Despite asking you if you want to do the tutorial, the game doesnt actually make you do it if you press yes, making it uselessly hard to learn certain game mechanics. The training tool not only isnt available until lvl 4, but you're forced to share it with 4 people that most of the times have fun by shooting at you, going over you with cars and getting in the way of your shots just for the fun of annoying you. Add to that a lot of noise and that the game forcefully kicks you out after a short while and you've got the recipe for pure frustration. The accessibility to the gold currency is also pretty low making an exception for the battle pass, since every game gives you around 40/50 gold and one character costs 30k.

- Buggy

The game still has some bugs that are terribly annoying to face when they happen, especially in the team deathmatch mode. As a sniper player the worst one i've found is a bug that, sometimes, even if you've set your aim to "hold" instead of "switch", after shooting it will autoaim as if you had switch on, making you move slower, aim where you dont want to and either miss a lot of shots or straight die

Despite all the negatives, the game is really fun to play and i'd suggest it to anyone who wants to try something fresher in the genre. Hopefully the game's problems will be fixed soon
Posted June 12, 2023.
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0.1 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I tried playing it, but i have terrible lag spikes every 4-5 seconds despite my hardware being more than well suited to handle the game

Posted June 11, 2023.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries