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11 of 64 (17%) Ansaitut saavutukset::

Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


Destroy 25 enemy troops in a row without replenishing your army.
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53


Collect 75 artefacts and game items.
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53


Defeat the Undead Spider and all of its troops in under 15 rounds.
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53

Bane of Death

Defeat Runorm and close the Dark Portal, losing no more than 30% of your forces, or without losing a single troop.
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53

Warden of the North

You have passed your trials and became a full-fledged warrior of the village.
Avattu 5.10.2019 klo 5.44


After the battle with Runorm, you were swamped by the Dark Portal and ejected in an unknown place. It is no wonder that the locals look at you askance.
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53

Sea Dog

You have been awarded honorary membership in the Free Brotherhood of Isterreng, making you a real sea wolf. Yo, ho, ho!
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53


After the battle with your brother, you fled your native island, and now your destiny, it seems, is to roam inhospitable islands on the cold and barren sea.
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53


You have returned Taor to sanity and killed the rebellious vikings of Chukata and Gronnum! Now everyone knows that it is impossible to resist you!
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53

Snowy Mountain Pathfinder

You performed a great service for the old pirate Simon Danziker, having found and buried the remains of his cabin boy, and destroying the pack of wild wolves who attacked the poor youth.
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53

Exterminator of the Undead

You killed four leaders of the undead and took possession of their weapons. That alone is reason enough to be proud to wear this title!
Avattu 7.10.2019 klo 9.53

Bane of Life

Apply a total of 1,000,000 damage.

Looking for Trouble

Receive 500,000 damage points in one game.


Destroy 250 enemy armies.

High Mage

Inflict 500,000 magic damage over the course of the game.

Valhalla's Favourite

Raise all Valkyries to level 3 before entering Demonis.

Valkyrie's Favourite

Raise all Valkyries to level 5.


Accumulate at least 10,000,000 gold.


Get the achievements "Bane of Life," "Fighter", "Butcher", "Cool Warrior" and "Looking for Trouble".


Get the achievements "Valhalla's Favorite", "High Mage", "Mad Courage", "Confident" and "Reckless Fighter".


Get the achievements "Greedy", "Collector", "Heartless", "Amateur Jeweler" and "Bane of Death".

Cool Warrior

Win 50 fights without using Rage skills.

Reckless Fighter

Win 50 fights without using the Spell Book.


Receive 15 medals (at least to 1 level).


Gain all the talents in your class tree (at least to level 1).

Master Player

Raise your character to the maximum level.

Amateur Jeweler

Collect 250 chests during your travels.

Friend of Dwarves

Perform all major and minor quests in New Kordar.


Lose 10,000 troops.

God of War

Defeat Loki in 10 rounds.


Defeat Eric with the fewest allies.

Mad Courage

Defeat Guilford in the final battle, without using your Spell Book.

Ragnarok's Messenger

Complete the game on Impossible difficulty.


Collect all items of the set.

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