
Hodge の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 55.9 時間 (レビュー時に14.7時間)
Don't usually write reviews. This game is crazy fun.

-Gunplay: buttery smooth and very rewarding. Crosshair matches the movement of your gun. Never seen a game do that. Super cool. Gunplay feels like a mix of COD MW 2019 and Battlefield, but no bloom. Good amount of guns to choose from.
-Movement: inertia is a big plus to me. Hate games that make movement super cracked out and fast with no consequences. That being said, the movement is buttery smooth, quick, and fun. Camera shake takes some getting used to but it isn't obnoxious. There's leaning too.
-Maps: good middle ground of Battlefield and COD in terms of size. No vehicles, which I love, but I'm a fan of infantry-only games. Sniping is rewarded but you can easily take down a sniper by tapping whatever gun you're using.
-Progression: feels rewarding but not too rewarding. You're not gonna get every gun/module at once. Game is currency based. Playing grants you XP for your level and battle pass level (separate things) as well as currency. Level correlates to gun and module (attachment) unlocks, which can be bought with currency. Battlepass has free tiers. Guns are expensive but not too expensive. When you unlock a module, you can use it for any gun that takes that module.
-NO PAY TO WIN: microtransactions are for skins and "VIP/Premiere" which grants you more XP/currency during playtime and the ability to create dedicated servers for each match (servers are games played 1 match at a time, you must exit between each game, more on this later).
-Graphics/performance/Game UI: Game is actually beautiful yet not too hard to run. Perfect shooter graphics IMO. You can turn down certain settings to give better performance and visibility. Also the game's interface in game is very similar to battlefield and looks very clean. MAIN MENU UI, however, could use some work and takes some getting used to but is still nice overall.

-No ability to swap guns/modules in game. This is a feature that's on the way. It's not a deal breaker for me but some people do very much so dislike this. You can exit mid game to switch your loadout with no penalty or loss of XP progress and reenter a game. You do also have to find a new lobby after each game. Though, depending on the map, each game runs about 15-20 minutes. Also very easy to find a new lobby/server.
-Spawn camping is a possibility and I have seen it. If you have any FPS experience prior to this game it is not a hard thing to counter whatsoever.
-A tad buggy. Nothing game breaking or unplayable. Only bug I've encountered consistently occurs when fully emptying the mag of your primary gun. If you switch to your secondary after emptying your primary gun mag, the game still plays a reload animation on your secondary and prevents you from shooting until the animation is finished AND you switch back to your primary. Your secondary will not work until the animation completes and you switch to your primary and back. I'm sure this will be fixed though, the dev seems adamant about bug fixes. Other than that, the occasional minor visual bug (i.e. objects changing in render quality when ADS'ing).

This game is very young, but nails so many important things for an FPS game it's hard for me to say it's anything less than great. I have over 5000 hours of FPS experience between games and can confidently say this game is a blast. I've been addicted since I started playing. Do not let other negative reviews or cry babies prevent you from at least trying this game.

投稿日 2022年1月16日.
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