Karl Carrios
Always up for Gore
☭ CommieD ☭ 31/dez./2016 às 4:51 
Happy New Year! May Gaben Bless You With Luck For Your Upcoming Adventures in 2017!
☭ CommieD ☭ 23/nov./2016 às 2:45 
▐█▐██▐░▄▓▓▓▓▓▀▄░▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▌█▌ doge is watching, dont do bad things...
Sir Chicken A lot 23/jul./2015 às 2:37 
+rep Friendly Trader
I EAT BACON FOR BREAKFAST 7/fev./2015 às 4:43 
Journeyman 19/dez./2014 às 1:15 
+rep Friendly Trader!
Zesty Skidmark 7/nov./2013 às 22:32 
+REP good trader, friendly and good prices.