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AdachiHunner Mar 27 @ 4:04pm 
Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Lebron... honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. Your silky smooth touch around the rim, and that gorgeous jumpshot. I would do anything for you. I would sacrifice my own life it were the only thing that could put a smile on your beautiful face. I remember when you first left Cleveland and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when I watched you win your first ring in miami, because deep down, my glorious king deserved it. I just wanted you to return home. Then allas, you did, my sweet baby boy came home and I rejoiced. You came back from 3-1 and I couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, and I heard my glorious king exclaim these words, "CLEVELAND, THIS IS FOR YOU!" And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Lebron James.☺️♥️🫶🏻