Tyler heywood
I love the smell of napalm in the morning

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Stuart, from Church Mar 27 @ 6:07pm 
Three words have been used to decribe this man. Those words are. Caring, loving, and penetration. The ancient Greek Damascus who was a philosopher once did a interpretation on some of the works prefomred. A man you must know by. In these commentaries written by Damascus, he tells the reader (me or you) a way to decipher the generosity and the mysterious ways in which our very own Voltaire is mesmerizing his audience with every step. Damascus can dumb down the complexity of Voltaire, for people who are far inferior to his dominant knollage of the known world. Because of course in Voltaires writings he speaks of how in the multiverse we are all connected to a much larger group of realms we have yet to understand because we are held back by our modern technologies.But the biggest mystery of all is What Damascus was trying to figure out and what i will strive to learn about. How does voltaire give such great Team Fortress 2 Trades.
Stuart, from Church Mar 16, 2023 @ 8:50pm 
Olive, poor thing
Sits and thinks
That it's drab
Sure does

Sits and sits and sits and sits
And thinks
About it's olive drab drab
Doesn't know that its about to be named
Color of the year
By those with the nose for the new
By the passionate few

Olive is definitely in
Everything that can possibly mean anything
At least for a year
Has got to be olive
Did you hear that olive? Did ya?
Know what it means

Oh, olive
There'll be olive cars
And olive trucks
And olive chickens
And olive ducks
And olive socks
And olive garters
And olive breaks
And olive starters

Olive sorry
Olive please
Olive whatnots
And olive trees
Olive trees?
What a quaint notion...
Olive trees....
Sal Oct 4, 2020 @ 10:23pm 
A pendulum in motion can either swing from side to side or turn in a continuous circle. The point at which it goes from one type of motion to the other is called the separatrix, and this can be calculated in most simple situations. When the pendulum is prodded at an almost constant rate though, the mathematics falls apart. Is there an equation that can describe that kind of separatrix?
{RU} |Scheffy1101 May 3, 2018 @ 8:10pm 
_____This man_______________####____
Just a scrub Aug 27, 2014 @ 4:18pm 
penis joke
starr♕ Jul 24, 2014 @ 12:40pm 
+rep helped me with my gay mpreg bukkake circlejerk sounding party.