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Recent reviews by Cool Noah

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3.2 hrs on record
This game really doesn't seem to have much penalty for dying yet at the same time you really try not to. If you do, you just revert back to before you boarded the ship you died on and continue on as a new goop human. This game is addicting in a similar way to Binding of Isaac or Into the Breach. I've only played for 3 hours but that was 3 hours straight and it felt like forever. You will definitely get your moneys worth with this game and this is before any updates or DLC.
Posted May 29, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
59.4 hrs on record (53.7 hrs at review time)
As someone who loves the Dishonored franchise whole heartedly, I was extremely let down by this game. While it was still fun to be back in the world of Dishonored, it was incredibly short lived.
- Playing Dishonored

- No chaos system (I liked being rewarded for not killing anyone)
- Way too difficult (Some puzzles in the game were left way too vague to be able to realistically solve them [Black market at night time]
- Not thought out (Many things throughout the game rely on Billies powers but in New Game+ you have Corvos powers and thus can now do less stuff rather than more which is what you want in NG+)
- No runes and lack of powers (3 powers? And I have to get agility through a bone charm, and jot only that, finding bonecharms is pretty stupid as well as you have to use your extremely limited Foresight power)
If you love the Dishonored franchise then wait for this to go on sale or just leave yourself on the high from Dishonored 2, because its really not worth full price
Posted September 18, 2017.
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