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Recent reviews by dangdangdangit

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1 person found this review helpful
157.3 hrs on record (138.0 hrs at review time)
its all the OG halos plus H4, along with their multiplayer. It works well, even on less than modern hardware, and there's challenges that unlock new cosmetics that weren't in the original games. Its all the games you loved as a kid and the one you didn't, and sadly is most likely 343's best product right now.
Posted May 8, 2023.
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314.2 hrs on record (71.2 hrs at review time)
Payday 2, Now where to begin Ah I know! This game has a very sharp learning curve and is kinda anti-new person mainly because when you join a lobby with randoms and your like level 10 you more offten then not get kicked not to say you cant have a lobby with your buds. One mis-conception is that the DLC's help you and thats not really true mainly because the first weapon pack contains some attachments and three guns and grenades (witch arent that useful on any of the bank jobs because of collateral damage(Civis)). Speaking of witch, the civilans have no will to live and will stand up in the middle of a firefight and have a knack for not getting down when you yell at them. Its harder then titanium to get to level 100 and even harder to get the 200 Mil when you farm contracts all day. Death wish is both a deathwich in game and IRL mainly because of the ammount of trys you'll have to do to get the longer heists donein that difficulty. The Idea for the game is amazing but poorly executed due to somewhat overcompensation rebalences and lack of DLC heists (only one heist pack with a bunch of one day and extreamly hard amored car heists) 6/10 as of 3/5/14
Posted March 5, 2014.
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