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게시 일시: 2014년 8월 2일 오후 3시 35분

Steel soldiers was a really good game when it came out. THIS IS NOT THAT GAME!!!!!! I cannot stress enough how this is totally different from the from version of this game. Cutscenes are gone, visual controls are garbage, all robots, vehicles and buildings appear as being black so it is very hard to tell what is yours and what isn't. Pyros shoot nothing just a flamethrower sound and I can't speak for most of the other units in the game because your technicians won't capture the fort in the beginning of the first forest level and basically the game can't proceed. This game is major leage broken and an absolute crap remake of a really good original.
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tony  [개발자] 2014년 8월 3일 오전 7시 58분 
Hi. I'm sorry you are experencing problems. Firstly the cut Sceens will be reinstated in next weeks update.

I'm really concerned that all the buildings and vehicals are displayed in black on your PC and the flamethrougher dosen't display flames. Can you please send a screen shot to support@kavcom.co.uk. It would also be helpfull to know the make and model of your graphic card.

Trigger Happy, the first Forest level is one of my favourities. Are you using the following method to convert buildings or enemy units? After selecting a technician hold your curser over the enemy unit or building you want to convert, you should see a circuler icon (Half red the other half blue with a red arrow) appear. clicking the left mouse button when this appears will command the Technician to convert.