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131.2 hrs on record (129.0 hrs at review time)
I was very fortunate to be given this game for free to enjoy with my friends, and had no problem making my own PSN account to link to Helldivers 2.

But this is about what the community want to say, and I will take my stance alongside the community and those that are unfortunate to be unable to sign up for Sony's unsecured and easily-breachable PSN service that became mandatory by the start of May.

I have zero idea whether Arrowhead Game Devs ans Sony are in the same cahoot or not in regards to this new decision, which was LATER redefined in the clause, violating the integrity of the TOS.

Maybe SONY was not giving a dime of care for this game in the earlier months and then decided to get all greedy with Helldivers 2 when it blew up, or maybe the folks in Arrowhead couldn't make the account linking at first due to network bug, and then changed afterwards.

Either way, this is scummy and I will no longer support this game until the decision to make account linking to PSN being mandatory revoked.

EDIT: As of now, Sony has revoked their decision to link PSN within PC port, and I will return to continue supporting the game.
Posted May 4. Last edited May 6.
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7.7 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
This here is a review from a person who has never touched any Halo games before, and only watched others playing it.

You see, I have always been a fan of arcade shooters like Team Fortress 2, Titanfall 2, Left 4 Dead franchise, Payday 2, the Division franchise, Destiny franchise, up towards the PvP tactical aspect being brought up like CS:GO, Rainbow 6 Siege, and Valorant.

But since over the years, I grew tired and burnt out from these games. Some became repetitive, some became stale. But I kept on playing it for the sake of playing, for the sake of leveling up BP if there's any, and the degree of stupidity I can put in has to be toned down or else my teammates will thrash me.

There was the resurgence of the desire to play FPS by Destiny 2 though, I picked the game up during the middle of 3rd year of the game (Roughly when Shadowkeep DLC has already aged halfway). Oh boy, the creativity I could do, ranging from the classes and sub-classes I got to play, combined it with a plethora of guns and their perks combination, they invited me into the Crucible PvP and the Gambit PvEvP gamemode instantly.

Well, a year has passed, and the game itself has returned to being stale due to content drought, and the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ META weapons and overpowered classes started coming into my mind as I grew wiser with Destiny 2.

But apart from that, a lot of times I have been playing the game is just me losing to others due to how they were so well-equipped from the highest hairline on their head, downwards to the bottom-most layer of their shoes.

So, well, time to jump ship.

I then started playing Valorant. Turns out - same deal with CS! I managed to climb up to Plat/LEM, and the whole time I had to always think about what to do and where to position myself and when to shoot or which spot to prefire and wallbang and all of those stuffs. You know, those kind of things. It gets boring because I can't bring myself to turn my brain off else I'd be a deadweight to the strangers on my team.

And then there's this one game out on the horizon. No, not Forza Horizon 5 (although I played and love that game too) but this one called "Halo Infinite". I don't know much about the franchise other than Master Chief and his barracks of memes, especially the botched "They put the Master Chief in the soda" meme. That always cracked me up.

So, you know, Bungie made Destiny, and they also made previous Halo games. And I love the atmosphere of D2's but without the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of Shatterdiving Hunters, and pretty much the whole kit a Titan can have while the rest of the Hunters and Warlocks can't really do much and..

Oops sorry just an old habit of mine with hating on those Titans due to their kits basically spoonfeed them kills. Sorry not sorry about that rant.

Anyway, back to my story. Halo Infinite. I downloaded it, gave it a try, crashed hecktons of times (but I managed to solve that issue so not a bad thing anymore), and then launched my first ever multiplayer game of Halo.

And, well, it was like I thought. This game slaps. It really is Destiny 2 but without the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loadouts. It is Team Fortress 2 but the developers are still keeping themselves in touch with the whole IP. It is as fun as those games but I can turn my brain off and enjoy it. Simply off of the fact that there are no perks or additional attributes from the start of the game. Everyone started equal with the lame assault rifle, but pay no mind to the insult because that gun alone already gave me multiple Killing Sprees. Basically, if anyone wants to change to other guns, they have to run around and pick them up, giving everyone a sense of a fair playing ground. In a face to face gunfight, if I kill someone then it means I'm better than them. And if they kill me, I'll acknowledge that they are better than me. It's just that. I died for so many times and yet I never felt frustrated because of it.

Literally will be that one game I'll start playing until I find better games, and, well, Destiny 2's The Witch Queen DLC and their additional DLCs have started charging at a price as high as my kidney's value now, thus it kinda gives me a reason to not go back there.

It might not be the only one true game where I'll main until I'm laid to rest, but this game is definitely one that I'll start paying attention to in my library now.
Posted November 27, 2021. Last edited November 27, 2021.
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219.3 hrs on record (20.7 hrs at review time)
I was a very organized guy.


Until I've started sleeping at 5AM and wake up at 3PM almost everyday because of this game.

I don't regret it.
Posted January 3, 2017.
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