
Helical の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 18.0 時間 (レビュー時に15.3時間)
As a fan of Uchikoshi since 999, it feels so satisfying seeing him finally have popularity , the funds and time to pull off the things he wants to do especially since his writing is as sharp as ever. Somehow this game enters the tier of story that I can only put 999 and VLR in as well.
投稿日 2022年6月26日.
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記録時間: 3,937.8 時間 (レビュー時に1,186.1時間)
The game that will test your focus, determination, and Russian language.

10/10 will Cyka Blyat agen
投稿日 2015年12月15日.
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記録時間: 6.4 時間 (レビュー時に4.7時間)
Rather than writing a plain, old review, I'll write what I did(summarized) in my first 3 hours of this OUTSTANDING Alpha.
5 mins- Well, after watching YT vids about this game, this seems alright. 3x3 room, and with $8k left to spare.
I wonder what to do now.
30 mins- I got 3 guys going in my Core team, and with great synergy, I just might make money on my second visual software.
1 hour - I got 2 teams of 5 working, one on a game engine, the other on my third audio software.
1 hour 30 mins - Finally, my first millions after making my 4th audio software.
2 hours - My B-Team are making my first OS, hopefully 18 guys and 3 years will be worth it!
2 hours 15 mins - My first antivirus is finally up, now in tens of millions of net worth. Gonna buy some small companies
2 hours 30 mins - OS almost done, and my 6th visual software is done now.
2 hours 45 mins - OS released, makes over $100 million dollars in profit. Now buy every single company in the market
3 hours - Software millionaire and monopoly check, making 2nd OS check, good 3 hours spent, check; now after that, billions will come from my 2nd OS and I will have as much net worth as Apple and Microsoft combined by 1995.
tl;dr version= OS is a game winning thing, as long as the quality is Outstanding
My golden rule in this game= NEVER make a product below the Great quality.
投稿日 2015年8月2日.
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9 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
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記録時間: 149.3 時間 (レビュー時に12.9時間)
Don't judge my review from the amount of hours on Steam. I've been playing FTL on the iPad since last year.
Here's what I have to say.

10 reasons for a 10/10
1. Dying over and over again, many times is the game. Unless you win the final fight.
2. You will see giant alien spiders atleast once in every playthrough.(what I mean is you reach sector 8) Always reject them unless you have a clone bay.
3. Ship layout doesn't always guarantee victory(even you Mantis B and Crystal B)
4. Unlocking the Crystal ship is like winning the lottery. Match all three encounters and you win the prize.
5. The game's soundtrack fits the game's theme perfectly, starting as a calm track; then becoming faster as you get into a fight.
6. If you're surviving, you'll die. If you're thriving, you will die. If you're lucky, you'll win.
7. Boarding with 4 mantis/2 crystal & 2 mantis/4 rockmen with fire is extremely fun! Getting boarded, isn't.
8. I love how stupidly powerful/stupid/powerful the enemy ships are. I wonder if they fixed the 5 shielded auto ship.
9. The euphoria, ecstacy when winning a game will outweigh all of the times you lost before then.
10. Modding is extremely fun. Especially Captain's Edition, ship mods, and graphics mods.

Those are ten decent reasons to buy FTL.

P.S. ion intruders, ♥♥♥♥ off
投稿日 2015年4月3日.
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